Disenfranchise This!

I've discovered that all these people who couldn't find their own butts with a road map and a flashlight are the same people who are crying about being disenfranchised. Gee, wonder why that is?
Why is it that people get upset because they aren't allowed to break the law? It's against the law for a felon to vote. You must be a citizen of the USA to vote. There is a specific precinct designated for you to cast your vote. You must be resgistered in order to vote. You must complete all paper work in order to become elegible to vote, before you can actually vote. And lastly, it is a great benefit to have an IQ above a pet rock. So, why are so many people claiming to be disenfranchised? I'll tell you why...it's called FRAUD! As in DNC, CBS, ABC, etc.
As I understand it, the Democrats have had a lock on being the party of miracles for ages. Why? Well, they've been raising the dead and shuffling them off to the voting booths consistently. On the other side, the Republicans are the party without a spine. You see, I'm one of those who will not vote for the choices offered us by the media. No thank you!
This is America, and America is a big country with lots of people, yet, the media offers us a choice between Bush and Kerry. Gee. That's kinda like having to choose between Wimpy and Bluto.
The D-Ticket would have you believe they can cure all ills, make things better, give away programs galore, make us a puppet of the UN, and have us free from the nuisance of terrorism. The R-Ticket tells us they can keep us safer, even with the borders wide open, and arms wide open to the illegals. Between the two choices, it's akin to Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show.
Anyway, as long as we have a two-party system, and a network of left-leaning news readers, things will get no better. However, a new star is born...bloggers...and it means the big boys now have some accountability, and lots of 'splainin' to do.
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