Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Sweet Revenge

I happen to have been listening to some old music of many variations this evening, and one that stands out, lyric wise, is an old John Prine tune called “Sweet Revenge”. So, I would suppose that’s the direction this article will take. So, now is the time to stay or leave. Your call!

I’m so tired of this Democrat vs Republican thing in the Senate. When is the last time these people ever did anything for the good of the country? Okay, I’m waiting............ never?

This crap regarding the rift between the Dems and Pubs about this judgeship thing is way outta hand. Neither party cares about the’s all about political power...Period!

What’s even scarier is the thought about these same people control our government. Hey, do us a favor. I’ve said it over and over. Shut the government down. What harm can it cause?

Look, all you have to do is answer a few questions. The same questions I have asked myself, and answered. So, here goes.

Does the government protect me? Well, if they do, why do I own a couple of weapons?

Does my government keep me fed? Well, if they do, why do I have to buy groceries on a weekly basis?

Does the governnment take care of my meds? Well, if they do, why am I spending over $800 per month on three perscriptions?

Does the government make sure my auto unsurance is paid? Nope, I have to handle that myself.

Now, finding all these “bad facts” against the USA, I say this. If you prefer the life of Islam, have at it. The biggest majority of the USA are tired of hunkering down to you people. If you’re offended here and don’t like it here....go home. And that is a very simple thing to accomplish. Let me type it again...Go Home! How’s that?

Look, when we get “offended” by some BS press, we just laugh it off. You bunch of barbarians have to kill people. The Religion of Peace my ass... and your dumb ass as well. You are not even worthy to be called a cult. You are idiots. Plain freaking idiots.

I’m so tired of other countries pounding on us, but yet, they receive tons of money in foreign aid. I say, cut out ALL foreign aid. Let them eat cake! Seriously.

Another thing that bothers me is that Islam wants to take over the world, including the USA, yet the government wants to do a song and dance with us and them. Why? Why not call a spade a spade? Afterall, Bush did say “you’re either for us or against us”, did he not? So, let’s do that across the board, huh George? The borders and all that. I'm just sayin...........

Well anyway, here’s how I see it.. take it or leave it.. won’t cost either of us a dime. If America does not unhinge itself from this PC mess, she/we will never move another inch forward. Don’t take my word for it. Look at history. There’s nothing more that most nations would wish for our country, and that would be Sweet Revenge, via someone bombing us back into the stoneage. Is it possible? Who knows. Is it likely? Could be.

What say ye?

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