A Quart Low
"Yes, your Honor. I am a quart low"

I was reading a little while ago about Sandy Berger’s trial and the charges that he “pleaded guilty Friday to sneaking classified documents out of the National Archives, then using scissors to cut up some of them.(Hat Tip: Hindrocket at Power Line) So, it was no accident the documents followed him home. He had the intent to steal documents from the Federal Government, and he’s not going to jail. Yet, Martha Stewart was sent to prison...James Trafficant was sent to prison...and there sits Sandy, with just a slight trace of a little tap on his wrists. How politically Americana.
I guess if a person knows there is no risk factor involved, simply because one knows who will immediately come to his defense, then why not go for the gold. Steal it all. No harm done. I mean, they were only “copies” of documents. Does that mean you get less of a wrist slap if what you steal is not the original, but a copy? Gee, how quickly the rules change in DC.
Can you imagine what would happen to Joe Citizen if he decided to pull a stunt like that? There would no doubt be some jail time. This guy should never, ever, no way, no how, have security clearance for anything pertaining to America. He should have to wear one of those ankle monitors. But, it was just a big joke to his old bud Bill and company. They laughed about it...joked about it. it was a joke for sure. And to be tried on April 1st.... yep, this is the perfect April Fools joke. You gotta love a humorous court.
All in all, I’m so glad things are going so well in DC, with all the crooks being caught and to know they are getting some serious sentencing. I’m resting so well these nights. Such a comfort knowing the government is taking care of business. Even Elvis would be proud. So proud, in fact, he would probably present the entire body of Congress one of his “trademark” TCB” caps. After all, they surely deserve such.
And while we’re at it, we could have “Goober” of Mayberry, check their oil. I’m sure he would quickly discover, the whole lot of them are at least a quart low!
Have a nice weekend...and stay outta jail! And don't forget to "Spring Forward" Saturday night.

I was reading a little while ago about Sandy Berger’s trial and the charges that he “pleaded guilty Friday to sneaking classified documents out of the National Archives, then using scissors to cut up some of them.(Hat Tip: Hindrocket at Power Line) So, it was no accident the documents followed him home. He had the intent to steal documents from the Federal Government, and he’s not going to jail. Yet, Martha Stewart was sent to prison...James Trafficant was sent to prison...and there sits Sandy, with just a slight trace of a little tap on his wrists. How politically Americana.
I guess if a person knows there is no risk factor involved, simply because one knows who will immediately come to his defense, then why not go for the gold. Steal it all. No harm done. I mean, they were only “copies” of documents. Does that mean you get less of a wrist slap if what you steal is not the original, but a copy? Gee, how quickly the rules change in DC.
Can you imagine what would happen to Joe Citizen if he decided to pull a stunt like that? There would no doubt be some jail time. This guy should never, ever, no way, no how, have security clearance for anything pertaining to America. He should have to wear one of those ankle monitors. But, it was just a big joke to his old bud Bill and company. They laughed about it...joked about it. it was a joke for sure. And to be tried on April 1st.... yep, this is the perfect April Fools joke. You gotta love a humorous court.
All in all, I’m so glad things are going so well in DC, with all the crooks being caught and to know they are getting some serious sentencing. I’m resting so well these nights. Such a comfort knowing the government is taking care of business. Even Elvis would be proud. So proud, in fact, he would probably present the entire body of Congress one of his “trademark” TCB” caps. After all, they surely deserve such.
And while we’re at it, we could have “Goober” of Mayberry, check their oil. I’m sure he would quickly discover, the whole lot of them are at least a quart low!
Have a nice weekend...and stay outta jail! And don't forget to "Spring Forward" Saturday night.
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