Uh, It’s Called Responsibility!

When a 6 year old child accidently shoots a 4 year old child, that doesn’t mean we need more gun laws. It means, people need to assume more responsibility at home. And for that, we do not need legislation, thank you! There are plenty of laws already in place in regards to hand guns and rifles and etc. This is nothing more than an orchastrated knee-jerk reaction among those who would like nothing more than to have all guns confiscated. To those folks, I say...sorry, it’s not gonna be that easy.
If you will take the time to read some history regarding the constitution and the declaration, you may understand that the citizens of the USA have certain rights. We, the citizens, do not expect nor trust the federal government to take care of all of us on a 24/7/365 basis, so...we must do what we have to do. There may actually come a time when we will have to become very self sufficient, like it or not.
Responsibility is beginning to become a rare trait. It’s always someone else’s fault. Or something else is always to blame. That, of course is the easiet route to take...you know...the path of least resistance! However, that route is the worse route to take, as it will give you a secure feeling when secure should not even be a part of your vocabulary. What? This man is nuts. Could be, but this is how I see it. Look, it’s a known fact that if you always shirk the blame on someone else as you go through life, odds are, you’re not gonna be very productive in society. So, that being the case, you need to make some decisions.
One thing I would like to say before I close. Any man or woman can achieve their dream in life. I have, I am, and I will continue to do so. No, it’s not all that easy, but it is rewarding just to know that I can stand on my own two feet, at least for a while. Thing is, every person out there can do the same thing. If you have a skill...get after it. It won’t come easy, but if you assume some responsibility, if definitely can happen!

When a 6 year old child accidently shoots a 4 year old child, that doesn’t mean we need more gun laws. It means, people need to assume more responsibility at home. And for that, we do not need legislation, thank you! There are plenty of laws already in place in regards to hand guns and rifles and etc. This is nothing more than an orchastrated knee-jerk reaction among those who would like nothing more than to have all guns confiscated. To those folks, I say...sorry, it’s not gonna be that easy.
If you will take the time to read some history regarding the constitution and the declaration, you may understand that the citizens of the USA have certain rights. We, the citizens, do not expect nor trust the federal government to take care of all of us on a 24/7/365 basis, so...we must do what we have to do. There may actually come a time when we will have to become very self sufficient, like it or not.
Responsibility is beginning to become a rare trait. It’s always someone else’s fault. Or something else is always to blame. That, of course is the easiet route to take...you know...the path of least resistance! However, that route is the worse route to take, as it will give you a secure feeling when secure should not even be a part of your vocabulary. What? This man is nuts. Could be, but this is how I see it. Look, it’s a known fact that if you always shirk the blame on someone else as you go through life, odds are, you’re not gonna be very productive in society. So, that being the case, you need to make some decisions.
One thing I would like to say before I close. Any man or woman can achieve their dream in life. I have, I am, and I will continue to do so. No, it’s not all that easy, but it is rewarding just to know that I can stand on my own two feet, at least for a while. Thing is, every person out there can do the same thing. If you have a skill...get after it. It won’t come easy, but if you assume some responsibility, if definitely can happen!
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