A Bloated Senate

I find it amazing, that with all the work needed to be done by the elected elite in Washington, they are finding time to stick their unqualified, overpaid, delusional noses in the steroid stories regarding baseball. It’s not as if there are no important matters for this gang of rogues to be tending to. After all, didn’t Senate Minority Leaded Harry Reid threaten to shut down the government regarding the filibuster issue? Please, Mr. Reid...shut it down. All of you go home...find a real job if you can.
The government has been out of control for such a long time, and there’s no sign of improvement. Since when does the Senate feel the need to educate the dummies about steroids? Why should this group of wise men and women be able to wax warm with all the little people, such as baseball players and others. Surely these athletes are aware that the elected officials know what’s best for everyone. If you don’t believe it...just ask the elected.
In our everyday lives, we witness the long arm of Uncle Sam, in most everything we do. Buckle up, else you will be ticketed. Nope, sorry, you can’t smoke here. Sorry, sir, but can’t bring a Bible in here. Uh, excuse me, mam, but did you just mention God’s name? That’s not allowed. Hey you...you can’t wear that shirt in here...it may offend someone. You’re an Arab...sorry, we didn’t mean to inspect your bag. But dig this...people aren’t allowed to “preach on the street”, yet, I have to put up with a 150 decibel bump, boom, bump from automobiles sitting at a red light next to me.
Let’s see how the government has really enriched our lives, just in the last little while. Well, they’ve taken anything and everything Christian out of schools, and most other public places, but it’s okay for Muslims to have their “call to prayer”. Christianity is a message of hate and Islam is a religion of peace. And Moby Dick was a frog.
The government allows people from all walks of life, from anywhere and everywhere on the map, to come to our country, allow them to complain and whine, and have our laws changed to suit them, and in return, we are bashed for not being inclusive. Good government does not mean big government. Diversity it seems, should bring a little unity, but no, not as long as the elites are in charge. It’s all our fault because of what we have and the way we live. Guess what, folks? I, just as most others do, work for a living, and the things I have, I own because of working to obtain those things...as few as they may be. I’m not entitled to be kept up by this nosy, meddlesome Uncle. I ask nothing of this government, except to treat the people like you wish to be treated. You smug bunch of bastards and bastardettes are not our keepers. You elected twits in no way have any of our interests at heart. You’re all a bunch of lying con artists who are doing what you do because you are too lazy to work. Maybe the people will band together and see if we can get a bill passed that would allow illegals to come in and do the jobs the Congress critters don’t want to do. That would be poetic, no?
Let’s not leave out the Judges, who feel superior to God Himself. In one instance, this Judge Greer, who is trying to starve a woman to death. I would hope this Judge is never faced with someone having to rule on his very life. In another instance, Judge William C. McCulloch, of Texas, ordered that life support be withdrawn from a 5-month-old baby, against the wishes of the mother. Yes, I would say the government is much too big and bloated. So, it would seem the steroid problem doesn’t stop on the baseball diamond, but spreads through the halls of Congress, as we see how bloated this body has become. They arrive at first, all slim and trim, and after years of abusing their authority (power), they all look and act like the barrister of bloat. Ted Kennedy. Oh yes, we need this government so very much. In this instance, I would have to say that a poor government is not better than no government at all.
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