Our Friend, the Government…One Too Many Uncles!

Never let it be said that I approve of our present set of partisan hacks that sit in DC and do business in the name of “for the people”. Thanks but no thanks. I can’t afford these guys. You see, these people think they know what’s best for all of us, yet they can’t even agree amongst themselves. And how quickly they forget…they work for us…not lord over us. We have the seniority, not them. It’s time for them to go.
Color me stupid, but I have thought all these years that the elected officials of DC were held accountable by the people, so therefore, they are beholden to us…the people.
I’ve really never even thought about this until now. But, the government wants to tell us when we may or may not retire, just for starters. How about that? And this same bunch with the likes of Strom Thurmond hanging in there to a 100 years old, and can’t grab his ass with both hands, a flashlight, and a roadmap. Yea, that’s the ticket.
This is more or less of a case of “Physician… heal thyself.” (Dr. Dean, are you reading?) The bunch in DC today are nothing more than a bunch of power hungry older brats, that are spoiled to the core and so out of touch with what’s going on in this world on a daily basis.
I say to them…pump and pay for your own gas/diesel once a month. Go grocery shopping with your own money. Go to your local DMV and see the mess you have created, and then report back to me. Heh? Go to your local hospital’s Emergency Room and then try to translate your bill. You will immediately see all the good you’ve done while in office.
Once per month, go to a neighbor’s house and help with the lawn care and such… without a fee attached. Just be a good neighbor. Try it… without your hired help! Next, got to a pistol/rifle range and have at it. Enjoy the brotherhood, and don’t fear those who actually carry guns and know about them…and know about them very well. You never know what can happen in the course of 24 hours.
The government does not need to go poking it’s nose into anymore private stuff…period. Enough is enough. The government knows pretty much whenever we take our next drink of water…. Or fill in beverage of your choice. It’s too big… it’s too contrary…and it doesn’t work. Let’s toss the bums out. What do we have to lose. After all, the Dems are threatening to shut down Congress. That would be a huge favor to all of America. Send them all home… and then thank God we aren’t getting the government we’re paying for!
All in all, this is a great country. But until the elected power boys and girls realize that they are working for us rather than they are looking out for us, we would all be the wiser. Simply stated…they are not our friend at all. Always watch your back and hold your enemies close. I don’t care what party you are affiliated with, the same holds true for all!
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