Dodging a Bullet? I Don't Think So...

I've sat here glued to the computer since Saturday evening, watching Hurricane Katrina unfold. And unfold, she did.
I've watched videos, have seen pictures, and have endured countless hours of information overload since this storm began. I'm not sure what really peaked my interest in this particular hurricane, unless it was some death wish for others. I'm sure that wasn't it, because I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
After a day of reading everything available on line and sifting the net for more information, it was a helluva ride. Especially with all the video footage and pictures that surfaced late Monday night. Regardless of what category this hurricane was considered, there was a lot of damage done to many locations in several states, and the spin off of tornadoes farther east was even more astounding.
I sat and watched the New Orleans Police rescue quite a few people from their washed out homes, as they were stranded on roof tops, begging for help. Thankfully, help arrived. It would bring tears to your eyes. To see the reaction of the people rescued, was worth the price to watch.
This disaster does not need to be a political event. There's no room for it and there's no time for it. Now is the time for everyone to pull together and strive for a common goal... to rebuild the city. And I believe the good people of the state of Louisiana will do just that.
This is no time to talk about "dodging a bullet", because from what I've seen and heard, they didn't dodge anything. The only thing that happened is the fact that this hurricane didn't cause as much destruction as anticipated, but that was due to the path the storm finally took. Other than that, everything that was predicted would have come to pass.
Anyway, in my humble opinion, now is the time for the rest of us to stand behind and stand with the people who have suffered the losses than many of us will never understand. Don't worry about what anyone else says... just go with your gut. After all, we're Americans. And let's hope we do the right thing.
God bless these people who have suffered such a loss. My heart goes out to them all.
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