Get Along Home, Cindy, Cindy

The new drama queen for the media has really gotten old. I’m very sorry that Cindy Sheehan lost a son in this war. And I would be the first to say she is entitled to grieve in any way she sees fit and for as long as she sees fit. However, when the grieving turns to grand standing, it’s time for her to move on.
Her son, Casey, enlisted in the Army, and then re-enlisted after his first tour was up. He even volunteered for the mission that would take his life. I’m no defender of President Bush, but please, Ms Sheehan, George Bush did not murder your son. And the over the top rhetoric you spew about Israel and Palestine is equally tiresome. You whine and complain and snivel and make demands of President Bush. You bash the USA. You say America isn’t worth fighting for. So, if these are your true words, then may I suggest you take your whimpering ass to some country where you would feel more comfortable. Say Palestine, Iran, or Korea.
Please enlighten us dimwits who can’t and do not understand what makes you so special and so smart, above all the rest of the grieving parents who have lost sons and daughters in the war. You are being used and are too dumb to see it. You blame everything that has happened in your life on something, anything but yourself and your actions. Why aren’t you with your family? Why aren’t you being a mother to your children and a wife to your husband? I read today that your husband has filed for divorce. Bless your heart, look what George Bush has done now. Not only has he murdered your son, he’s killed your marriage as well.
If I were you, I would take a few days off and read aloud all the things you’ve said. Review all the TV appearances and the things you’ve said. Look at yourself and be extremely honest. Take a very serious inventory of yourself. Afterwards, tell the people how insane and lost you have become. I pity you, Cindy Sheehan, to have so much hatred bottled up and no guts to seek the truth...I’m not talking about it being all Bush’s fault. No mam...I’m talking about being responsible for your own insanity. The best thing I can say about you is that you are certainly no role model. Good luck to you.
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