Are You Ready to Rumble?

What say ye? Here we are with a young lady fired from her job in North Carolina, at UNC, and then we have the young man who was arrested for having all this airline pilot's stuff. And the left is hysterical on both accounts.
First off, this young lady that was fired for writing about profiling Arab folks in her area and such, because the local Arabs seemed cool with it, for their own protection, yet she was fired. (Dan Rather, where are you?)
Check out the link regarding this issue.
Next up, there's another link that will walk you through this ordeal with this Arab dude who has a fetish for being an Airline Pilot.
My opinion, I have to agree with Gov. Romney. Arab profiling? You bet. Piss 'em off? Who cares. Keep America safe, regardless of who it pisses off.
What say ye?
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