Religion of Pricks...Offended Again

Well it seems the Muslims in the U.K. are whining about a novelty item. Oh, these tough as nails religious wimps...offended by a in Piglet and Winnie the Pooh. And I'm not making this up.
So, I decided to gather my sources, and had the good fortune of being able to interview one of the most rich and famous pigs in the world. Below, is the dialogue between myself, and Arnold Ziffel.
Trambo: Hi Arnold, and thanks for taking my call, and for sharing your valuable time with us today.
Arnold: Oink oink oink...oink oink oink coinky boink.
Trambo: I'd like to ask your opinion regarding the Muslims in the United Kingdom, being offended by toy pigs, novelty items and such, plus, they think pigs are unclean animals. What do you have to say about that?
Arnold: Oink oink oink...oink oink oink coinky (expletive expletive) and Oink oink oink...oink oink oink foinky doinky (expletive expletive expletive expletive)and they can Oink oink oink...oink oink oink chomp chomp oink oink chop chop oink oink my lard ass.
TramboM: Now that's tellin' em, Arnold. May I print that?
Arnold: Oink.
Well, that was the end of that. But his oldest son did say "these idiots have their turbans too tight" and he's glad these Muslim people don't like pigs...and neither do pigs like Muslims. He went on to say he'd never heard of any of his kinfolk beheading anybody, or blowing up buildings and people, or killing people just because they disagree with you, and are easily offended.
In closing, I leave you with Arnold's parting words.(expletive expletive expletive)
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