Come Monday, It’ll Be Alright
(I Just Know it...Now Lemme Outta Here)
I spent the day and part of the early evening hours at the hospital, getting some tests done. Over the weekend, I experienced some vision problems and it got a little worse, so I decided to have it checked out. Lucky me. While I was sitting back in the waiting room, reading one of those 3 year old Reader’s Digest, I happened to notice a young lady sitting in the next seat over from me. I don’t recall how it started, but we struck up a conversation. And she wanted to talk about politics. So, I silently prayed that her problem was not high blood pressure, already...being the charitable and cautious guy that I am.
I don’t mean to sound like I’m judging, but I could tell right away I would be dealing with a certified bimbo. There was no doubt about that. And, she did not let me down.
Her first comments were about the election, and if I were pleased about it. I responded that I was not really pleased, but it could have been much worse. And for the next 10 minutes I tried to cipher what she was trying to say. She was disappointed that Kerry/Edawrds lost, and she was depressed, and she wasn’t able to cook, clean, yada, yada, yada. She was pathetic, and I told her so, and even suggested she was wasting her time here, as the people here weren’t prepared to help her. Gave her lots of what I considered to be good advice, but she would have none of it.
Thankfully, she was called in ahead of me. I was hoping that I would still be here when she came back out. Lady luck smiled on me... she was out in about 15 minutes, and after she talked to the lady at the glassed in booth, she came and sat back down beside me. I smiled at her. She gave me her phone number and said she would love to talk more, but that she didn’t feel well and was going home ad going to bed. We exchanged good-bye and nice to meet ya’s, and she went on her way, and I finally got called to the back. Yippee!
After finishing my ordeal, I went back to the office and began to contemplate the day. How could any human being think the way this lady thinks? The lady from the hospital! I mean, she has all her complete faith in one individual... a human being, who is bound to fail himself and countless others. I’m glad tonight that I’m not depending on a single earthly person to keep me okay with myself. That would be a huge let down, and I realize that. That’s why I ain’t going there.
It’s really sad that so many people want to place their faith, even their whole future into one single individual, who is bound to screw up somewhere down the road. It’s gonna happen, simply because we are all human. We’re destined to falter and fail.
Look, I don’t depend on any one or any thing to make sure that I’m happy. It’s no one’s responsibility to make me happy. Why can’t people understand that? John Lennon may have had it right when he sang “Happiness is a Warm Gun”. Oh, don’t go jumping off the plank here. It’s tongue in cheek, okay?
Anyway, I realized today that there are quite a few people who are bent out of shape and stressed because of an election. But why? I mean, if one can tolerate 4 years of a bad marriage, 4 years of a bad president will come and go. Even if you’re not in a bad marriage, consider yourself blessed... if a bad president is all you have, then you ain’t in such bad shape. Sing it with me now.... “Come Monday, It’ll Be Alright”....
Ain’t that better?

I spent the day and part of the early evening hours at the hospital, getting some tests done. Over the weekend, I experienced some vision problems and it got a little worse, so I decided to have it checked out. Lucky me. While I was sitting back in the waiting room, reading one of those 3 year old Reader’s Digest, I happened to notice a young lady sitting in the next seat over from me. I don’t recall how it started, but we struck up a conversation. And she wanted to talk about politics. So, I silently prayed that her problem was not high blood pressure, already...being the charitable and cautious guy that I am.
I don’t mean to sound like I’m judging, but I could tell right away I would be dealing with a certified bimbo. There was no doubt about that. And, she did not let me down.
Her first comments were about the election, and if I were pleased about it. I responded that I was not really pleased, but it could have been much worse. And for the next 10 minutes I tried to cipher what she was trying to say. She was disappointed that Kerry/Edawrds lost, and she was depressed, and she wasn’t able to cook, clean, yada, yada, yada. She was pathetic, and I told her so, and even suggested she was wasting her time here, as the people here weren’t prepared to help her. Gave her lots of what I considered to be good advice, but she would have none of it.
Thankfully, she was called in ahead of me. I was hoping that I would still be here when she came back out. Lady luck smiled on me... she was out in about 15 minutes, and after she talked to the lady at the glassed in booth, she came and sat back down beside me. I smiled at her. She gave me her phone number and said she would love to talk more, but that she didn’t feel well and was going home ad going to bed. We exchanged good-bye and nice to meet ya’s, and she went on her way, and I finally got called to the back. Yippee!
After finishing my ordeal, I went back to the office and began to contemplate the day. How could any human being think the way this lady thinks? The lady from the hospital! I mean, she has all her complete faith in one individual... a human being, who is bound to fail himself and countless others. I’m glad tonight that I’m not depending on a single earthly person to keep me okay with myself. That would be a huge let down, and I realize that. That’s why I ain’t going there.
It’s really sad that so many people want to place their faith, even their whole future into one single individual, who is bound to screw up somewhere down the road. It’s gonna happen, simply because we are all human. We’re destined to falter and fail.
Look, I don’t depend on any one or any thing to make sure that I’m happy. It’s no one’s responsibility to make me happy. Why can’t people understand that? John Lennon may have had it right when he sang “Happiness is a Warm Gun”. Oh, don’t go jumping off the plank here. It’s tongue in cheek, okay?
Anyway, I realized today that there are quite a few people who are bent out of shape and stressed because of an election. But why? I mean, if one can tolerate 4 years of a bad marriage, 4 years of a bad president will come and go. Even if you’re not in a bad marriage, consider yourself blessed... if a bad president is all you have, then you ain’t in such bad shape. Sing it with me now.... “Come Monday, It’ll Be Alright”....
Ain’t that better?
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