Down the Pipes

Well, after all the hoopla regarding the holy bible of the Muslim people being flushed down the john, and yet, still nothing confirmed. And I've seen several sources on the net, providing video that this just doesn't all. Doesn't pass the flush all.
So, why all the uproar? First, we have an Administration irate that damage has been done to the relationship between the countries, and 15-17 people lost their lives because of the violence of the Muslims. So who's to blame? Newsweek or the Religion of Peace?
Sure, what the magazine did was stupid, but...these people who are living about 15 centuries behind the rest of the world, what do you expect? Doesn't take much to set them off. They're led by their supreme prophet, Allah. According to the alphabet, after Allah, comes Bubba. How poetic.
They say they desire to take over the world. I've got news for them. I've read the back of the book... we win!
It's ironic that the thugs such as Zarqawii end up running like a coward. He bails on his people when the going gets tough. He's a bad dude when he feels safe. But in pursuit, he's a coward. I realize they're considered "extremeists", but, where is the outrage in the Muslim community in America? Why the silence?
I will say this. It's a disgrace that there is no media play of anything good coming from anywhere across the globe. You know, we sure could use a little good news today. I'm sure it's out there. It's just too much of a burden to print it, right?
I don't expect anything to change, except maybe the regular media becoming history. They won't dare be fair, and they won't dare be accurate or truthful. We'll see subscriptions falter and less attention to these dinosaurs. And we'll be all the better for it.
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