Recess is For Kids - Work is for Adults

Hey Congress. Do America a huge favor. You people are due to recess July 4th, for what I'm sure is a much needed rest, as all you thugs have accomplished is butting heads with one another. During your trivial pursuit of the juvenile games somewhere between hang-man and blind man's bluff, you have lost touch with why you are there. You were voted in office by the people to work for the people. Guess what? It ain't happening. The whole lot of you are nothing more than spoiled rich brats who do nothing more than play childish games, while collecting a large salary for just being there. If you folks would be so kind, do not go back to Washington, please! You've done enough damage already.
With the wars our forces are fighting, plus the wars the Congress are fighting amongst themselves, it's a waste of time and money to have you clowns in office. Shut the government down...please. All you have to show for your time there is spending on foolish things, throwing the peoples money away, leaving the borders open, jobs still going down the tubes, homes being foreclosed at a rapid rate, plus your whining and bickering and posturing for some face time on TV. Thank you very much, but you've done enough already.
Each one of you make a very good argument to the American people for term limits. You all are a bunch of lying, cheating, spineless, unethical, whoring low lifes who couldn't make it away from the government teat. That's all you know...and you've made quite the lively hood of sucking. So give us a break, and suck your ass back to where you came from. Leave America alone. We cannot afford you any longer. You have in no way earned your keep, and frankly, it's very doubtful that you ever will.
Enjoy your recess time, but please, stay on the playground. We adults don’t need you. We deserve better.
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