Friday, December 03, 2004

A Culture of Wimps

I know I’m just asking for trouble before I even write this, but so be it. I have a bad habit of calling things like I see them, and this time is no different.

We may be kicking ass internationally, but we’re getting our ass kicked domestically. The PC police have been running rampant over us from every angle, and we just sit there and go “ga-ga” at the whole thing. Why am I not impressed?

When will we learn? When will we decide enough is enough? Or will we ever? At times, I really wonder, because the sheep have been led so astray. And it has been so easy to do so. With no proven leader in the USA, why shouldn’t the people be neutered? After all, we haven’t had an attack since 911, right? Of course, that’s the ticket.

Here’s how I see it. First of all, the League of the Politically Correct will be the undoing of our country. Tha t’s a fact, and you can laugh all you want, but mark my words. It’s already happened. You just haven’t felt it yet! There is a Mayor in Colorado who has decided to take out Merry Christmas for starters. How do these people get away with this stuff, when surverys say this nation is 78% Christian? What’s happening here?

And don’t come whining to me about the Separation of Church and State. It’s nowhere in the Constitution. So, go suck another egg. Thank you!

We have seen Christ taken out of Christmas now for many years, and the people do nothing. Giving up a little here, a little there, and then a little more out yonder...before you know it, great strides have been made to render you ineffective! In the words of Bob Dylan, allow me to ask: “How does it feel”? Huh? Tell me the truth!

America, as we used to know it is a thing of the past, unless good people wake up and smelll the coffee. It’s pathetic that the even 48-49% of the voting public even dictates any agenda. Where I come from, 48-49% is still a minority. What say ye?

We have wide open borders, no control of the illegals, and a don’t ask don’t tell situation there as well. It’s not restricted to the milatary, and it’s served in a whole different way as well. Of course, it’s alright as long as it doesn’t “infringe upon me”. Of course!

You can have your snoot and look down it too. No problem. Just get on board the Magic Ship Copernicus here and have at it. You can have your every wish... every desire...and every whim... all you gotta do is get onboard. Simple as that!

Well, the train’s pulling in the first station and I need to go... Will write more tomorrow while I’m able.


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