Oh That Smell...

Seems a little poetic that the man chosen by President Bush to lead the Homeland Security Department withdrew himself, after admitting he had a nanny working at his home, and she just happened to be one of those illegals. Another thing, her money to the IRS had not been taken care of, as well. What I don’t understand is why are the Bush people so up in arms over this? The President himself has let it be known that he has no problem with illegals. And if he has his way, they will be welcome to work here, bring diseases here, bring criminals here. So, why the dust up about something this administration fully supports? Something smells a little funky about that.
If an investigation were done on all elected officials in DC, the number of our elected thugs who actually has employed or does employ an illegal, would probably be incosistent with their policies that they have publicly decried. To say the least, this bunch in the present administration bring a whole new meaning to shameless.
It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. I talk to many “conservative” people on a daily basis, and lots of them feel as I do about what’s going on within this administration, and already it seems to get even worse before the next 4 years actually begin. And, on the other hand, I talk to those who feel that the President will really show his true conservatism next term. Yea, right. We’ll get em next time! Sorry, that certainly doesn’t pass the smell test.
Whom ever is chosen and allowed to be the Homeland Security Secretary, I sure hope they have more common sense than the rest of the people who are working above and below him...or her. God help him if he/she doesn’t! In my opinion, unless we the people witness a modern day miracle within the boundaries of the USA, the next 4 years plus are not going to be pretty. The left keep going lefter and the right keeps going lefter. Where does it all stop? Crazy thing is, it’s up to us...we the people, yet here we are, once again, taking it on the chin and falling in lock step with the powers that be. How pathetic is that?
Well, I’ll close for now, and try to get into the spirit of this Christmas Season. And to all you PC do-gooders...Y’all can kiss my Merry Southern Ass!
And to the rest of you...Goodnight...and Merry Christmas.
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