Hypocrisy At it’s Finest

Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the make believe place of Palestine, has once again, shown his true colors. Does he strive for peace? Nope. Does he want to reel in the terrorists? Nope. Does he care about a road map to peace? Nope. Then what good is he?
Well, actually, he is good for terrorism in his “homeland”. Land that does not even remotely belong to his people. Why in the world Bush and company does not have a deck of cards with Abbas and his band of thugs modelling the cover is beyond me. I mean, a pig is a pig is a pig. Period!
We have seen from the outset, since the death, finally, of their beloved leader Arafat, that all things remain the same. Lots of nice words and lip service, but yet reverting to the same old stuff. I have wondered lately if Abbas and company have a contract with Strap on Tools? You know, the kind that makes those nice little suicide belts and vests and all.
I was reading about a young female that had explosives hidden in her panties, and was going to set it off in a hospital in Israel. How sweet it is. She even claimed that someone “hid them there”. Duh! Can you tell me with a straight face that someone could “hide” 20+ pounds of explosives in your underwear and you wouldn’t be the wiser? Give me a break. Talk about packing heat. That takes it to a whole new dimension. I can imagine, “Hey baby, are you that glad to see me, or is that explosives in your panties.”
Like the leaders in our country, these terrorists are pure and simple thugs. The only difference being is that Congress will not respect us in the morning. Both sides make promises they can’t and won’t keep, and keep telling lies on top of lies, hoping to sweet talk their way into some corridor somewhere so they can kill a bunch of innocent people. It’s time for the Bush administration to say to Abbas to put up or shut up. Plain and simple. Will they go away? No! They must be met with unrelenting force, now, and forever more. I say, turn the people loose and allow them to do what is necessary to remain a free people. If we can “take the fight to them”, then why shouldn’t Israel be afforded the same? Just something to think about!
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