What a Difference A Decade(nce) Makes

Is this diversity a blessing or what? I know, we’re beating a tired and nearly dead horse again, but since I’m in the Christmas, that’s right Christmas spirit, I figured why not! After listening to a little talk radio while riding in my vehicle hearing about various things and seeing various news items on the net (I don’t watch TV) it’s hard to contain myself.
The first thing that comes to mind is all of these people who are offended keep whining about this and that. I was always under the impression that the majority rules. Yet, we get a couple of ingrates from some other country, coming to the USA because of our freedom, all of a sudden, they’re offended by something and want us to change it for them. Read my lips, ingrates...Screw You!
They are offended by Merry Christmas. They’re offended by In God We Trust. They’re offended by anything Christian. As Lewis Grizzard said, “If you don’t like it here, Delta’s ready when you are.”
Nativity scenes are out, Christmas carols are a no-no. Prayer is forbidden, the Bible has been rendered hate speech, but islam is a religion of peace. Hey, it doesn’t bother me that these folks lie to me. What chaps my keister is they think I’m stupid enough to believe them. This country has done very well in all her years. We never had a problem like we see today until a bad case of diversity broke out. And the people are too lazy to do anything about it. I know it sounds like a cliche, but it’s the truth. We deserve everything we’re getting today. We’ve become too complacent...too easy...too aware as to not rock the boat. Heaven forbid we offend someone...who pays it all to get here to our country and then whines about how we don’t do things their way. I suppose it’s way to much to ask these moochers to assimilate. Oh no. They want to have it both ways. And they are getting it...so far.
In our schools today, kids are being taught about the Islam religion, yet, they are not permitted to discuss Christianity. Our children are also being taught about the “Alternative Lifestyle”, but yet, they can’t speak of being pro life. President Bush wants our kids to become more aware of the Islamic culture and vice versa. Dang, you would think after a few acts of terrorism, those kids have learned all they need to know about this religion of peace. What a crock. Why not call it what it really is? A Cult of Killers. Period.
It doesn’t surprise me that the country is so divided. What does surprise me is in which to extremes we are divided and the things that divide us. It’s not about red and blue. It’s about right and wrong...good and bad. Call it what you want, but you still have to call it the truth. We’re damned near a “War Between the States” again. If this presists, we don’t have to worry about Russia or China, or Korea, or anyone else. We are destined to do ourselves in, and it won’t be long at the rate we’re moving ahead.
No, this is not doom and gloom. This is looking at reality. And as Tom Waits once said, “Reality is for those who can’t handle drugs.” In many ways, he’s more than right, but it would be hard to tell these days, with all the post election stress and treatments. My God, some people need to wake up and smell some real coffee. All that latte has gotten to you. Too many people are sitting around complaining about how they’re offended and can’t see the real problem...self. Look, we didn’t ask that you come here to live. And if you left tomorrow and it were possible, I would be delighted to help you pack your bags, or anything else that would speed you along. Hey, you’re in OUR country. If you don’t like how we do things around here, then go home. If you’re a legal citizen, then you took an oath to become that citizen. So now is the time to abide by that.
No one ever said life would be fair. No one promised you a world of happiness. If so, you were lied to! Before I close, I want to repost the link at the beginning of the article. If you’re not convinced that life is not supposed to be a bed of roses, click here and enjoy.
Until we meet again, have a very Merry Christmas...and be safe!
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