Gimme Some Hot Wings...Now!

If I had not been called to the place, I would never have believed this happening, but then again, there are some very dumb people in this city. I am always the last one to leave this building in which my office resides. And since I am the last one to leave, the owner gave me the fun job of making sure all the doors are locked tight and the elevator is shut down before a certain time of the evening. Last night was no different. I did as I always do, locked the place up, came back to my office and headed home a little before midnight.
As fate would have it, my phone rang at 8:45AM this morning and it was Steve, who owns the building. Someone (actually they think there were two of them) had gotten into the Main entrance on the street level, made their way into a Chinese eatery, and camped out for a nice, late-night/early AM meal. In the final analysis, the place was missing some cash, a couple of buckets of chicken wings, and a huge tub of cookie dough. But that was just the “take out”.
While the perps were inside, they fired up the Wok and munched out on about a half-bucket of hot wings, including an economy sized jar of hot sauce, and quite a few noodles. What’s even worse, the person/people who did this, used a piece of scrap paper to light a smoke by lighting it from the stove. And they left the butts on the floor, both inside and outside the place. I would think these "cooks” were possibly drunk, at best. Thankfully, they didn’t burn the place down.
I hate the fact that the restaurant was broken into and some money and food items were lost. However, the fact that the intruder(s) felt comfortable enough to belly up to the bar and cook some wings is almost hilarious. This is definitely one of those things that makes you want to scratch your head. I’m glad they didn’t bring lots of friends and have an all night party.
As the Police officer was doing her investigation, she got Ray’s (was doing some work here today) name, phone number...and date of birth, and then turned to me for the same info. Naturally, the two of us will be checked first, I suppose, since she did ask our DOB. However, nobody around here expects anything to be done about this. After all, there are just too many “street people” to check out and too many donuts to eat. On a bright note, the Chicken Wing burglar seemed to have a sensitive streak...the fish in the aquarium in the main dining room were spared.
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