Auld Lang Syne

Here’s hoping that a cup of kindness can be shared throughout this new year, as we say good bye to the past year. For some, it has been a most wonderful year, for others, it has been most horrible. We have witnessed the death of many people in the wars that are being fought. We saw hurricanes devastate many lives and much property in Florida especially, plus countless other places. And most recently, the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, and the horrendous loss of life. We witnessed an election that pretty much evenly divided the entire nation. Politically Correctness has been running amuck throughout the year, and so it goes.
My wish for 2005 would be peace on earth and good will towards least all that will allow it. However, we all know that will not happen. Some folks think the best we can do is break even, whatever that is. I’m concerned about the spending habits of this government. I’m equally concerned about our porous borders, that welcome one and all, friend or foe. Another concern is the educational system for those that have to partake in public schools and left leaning universities.
Sure, we have many things to be thankful for this past year, but we also have many things that we will be held accountable for, as individuals and as a nation. I would like to think that we as a people, are generous, loving, wise, and understanding...but it’s not true anymore. There are too many agenda driven people in our country today that have a warped sense of Americana in regards to right and wrong and black and white.
We should start today, all of us, to reflect back on the last year, check out where we’ve been and what has happened, and our reactions as well as actions to all we’ve been a part of, and then look ahead and see how we can make things better. We shouldn’t do it for selfish reason, but for the good of all. If we do that, in 2005, assuming we have time to change things, then I would say that’s a pretty good start on a new year.
What do you think?
May you all have a very happy and blessed New Year.
God Bless America.
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