Mary Did You Know?

A beautiful song written by Mark Lowry (lyrics) and Buddy Greene (music) is probably the most telling Christmas song I ever had the pleasure to hear. It’s really a heavy song, if you read the lyrics and hear the tune. A woman, being the Mother, and giving birth to the Son of God. That’s an awesome task, to say the least.
However, if Jesus were born in today’s times, it would be quite different. There would be no inn for Jesus to be born. The ACLU and PETA would raise a ruckus and claim it was a hate crime or such. The song lyrics would have to be completely rewritten today. Such as, “Mary did you know - You couldn’t even find a stable to give birth?” Did you know that Jesus would not come first - To the people here? Did you know that your Son would be more spit upon and cursed today, than the day He was crucified? Did you know that the words of your Son and His Father would be considered hate speech today? Did you know that a nativity scene downtown would create offensiveness? Oh the horror.
Pardon my smugness, but I’ve had it up to here with the PC whiners. So you’re offended. Gee, how terrible can that be? There is no written decree that guarantees you to go through life without being offended... and the same holds true for me. Are you people who claim to be offended, so brittle, that you can’t handle the truth? Can’t even handle a Christmas carol? You may feel that you’re big in court, but in all reality, you’re wimps...gee, that song offends me. Get a grip. Your whining offends me, so we’re even.
So many people break so many laws in order to get into this dreaded country that they curse so much, yet, you can’t run their butts off, less they be offended. They want the best of both worlds, and I’m here to tell you... it ain’t gonna happen. It’s so poetic that these folks who will risk limb and life to get to America are the very ones who complain about all things American. Well, duh. What did you people expect? Your desire for our schools and our technology, and our way of life brought you here, and after you gain a little, all of a sudden you wanna knock this country. In the gin soaked white raisin induced words of Mama T, shove it!
It’s pathetic how we allow people to celebrate Kwannza and such, but yet a nativity scene becomes insensitive. What a weak religion you folks must have, to feel offended or threatened by the true Christ. Is that the real problem? You realize that the god you serve is inferior or made up? Last I read, regarding these false gods, Elijah was up on a mountain, making believers out of his enemies, as their god was asleep on the john or such. It was agreed that the god who could “light up” the altar was the true god. Guess who won that one?
Also, Mary did you know that 49% or so of the USA would refer to those “red states” as Jesusland”, and it was not meant as a compliment? Today, people can not go outside of the boundaries of the churches and proclaim the gospel. That’s hate speech, today. It’s pathetically funny that black churches may invite Democrat candidates to their churches and have a political hoe down, but if the opposite party, whether it be Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or Constitution party does the same, we hear the cry of “separation of church and state”, where there is nothing in the constitution that says such. Free speech, huh? Yea, if it only accomodates you.
Anyway, as the Christmas season closes in, as you go about your daily routine, remember one thing. Ask yourself, when America was birthed, did it foresee and demand that we bow down to those who want to come here, in order that they may feel less offended? I think not. But that’s just me.
Merry Christmas to all... and Joy to the World!
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