Sucking Air

I read with great interest this article regarding the human parathyroid gland evolved from gills. (think fish) My first thought was, man, that sure sucks air!
I've always been fascinated with those people who tend to think that man can from monkey. Trust me, I've met a few people who would make a helluva a case for this concept, and without effort on their behalf. (My apologies to monkeys everywhere) If evolution is true, then why all of a sudden it's been at a standstill for several hundred years or more? Answer me that, would you please? Makes about as much sense as if a library exploded, and out of the ashes and smoke, a huge book came back down to earth. Yea, evolution. Right!
Since evolution and creationism are direct opposites, then there would have to be some other “force or power” that would keep evolution propelled, so to speak. So, where is the propeller? Hmmm. Can I get a witness? Hello! In my opinion regarding evolution, it would take more faith to believe that, than it would to believe in creationism. Think about it. On the topic of creationism, there is an excellent piece here.
As I see it today, man still looks like man of centuries ago, as do women, kids, dogs, cats, grasshoppers, fish, pigs, cattle, and etc. So, when do all these creatures move to the next level? I’m very curious about that, as I would hate to miss anything. Is it true that since monkeys and such like bananas, then, any human who likes bananas is part monkey? How about... since cows have horns, as do automobiles, then cows are cars? I know, different kinds of horns, but get the picture, don’t you? Reminds me of the man who sold his car to buy a cow. People cursed him, called him crazy.. they said a car was more valuable that the cow. He just smiled at them and said, “I can ride this cow, but I can’t milk a car”. So, does evolution mean that the auotmobile evolved from a mule? What else can I say? Except, this evolution thing sucks air!
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