
I received a belated Christmas Gift today from some ladies who work in an office on the Upper Level above me. Knowing how much I enjoy music (writing and listening) they purchased a Music Downlard card from Wal*Mart. So of course, I took a little time to go to their web site and found about 5 tunes I thought I would try...3 were of the Allman Brothers Band, and two for a lawyer friend of mine. At less than a buck per tune, I figure why not. So, after jumping through a few hoops to be able to download, after all were completed, I decided to sit back and give a listen. That's where the problems began.
Let me explain, I am a computer tech by trade, so most of this stuff is fairly simple. The first song I decided to play popped up with a little greeting from, yep...Microsoft. They determined I didn't have a "license" to play the songs that I just purchased from Wal*Mart. Jumping through more hoops and even allowing MS to upgrade my media player, I still was not able to play the tune nor am I yet able to obtain this "license". Look Bill, if you or some of your overpaid nerds happen to read this or hear about this article...this is for you.
Give it up. You already have your hands in most anything and everything computer related, but that's not enough. Now you want me to register with you, so I can play music that I purchased from Wal*Mart, before I can play it on your bug-laden Windows software. Haven't you already done way too much for me? Get out of the music business. Is this a temper tantrum by Bill Gates, or a way for him to get revenge. Look, Bill, I heard you sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on TV when one of those ladies were interviewing you. You cannot sing. If your Operating Systems and Media players were instruments, they would come with mutes. You cannot carry a tune. Mr. Gates, I write music, and I do not have to purchase a license, but you want me to purchase one from Microsoft to play music that is now in my possession. Screw you, Bill. I think it's time for some Class Action. You ain't got any class, and I don't care for anymore of your action.
BTW, go take some singing lessons or something. Oh, I just happened to remember the name of the first tune I tried to's called "Doublecross".
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