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With great speculation, I have watched for a couple of days the episode of a man named Gene Chapman and the IRS. He insists that it is against his religion, and against God’s law that he needed a Social Security number in order to be gainfully employed. So, after many months of threats to the IRS and anyone else who would feed him a microphone, camera, or telephone, he left audio messages on his web site of the events that would take place today, January 3, 2005 and why.
Normally, I don’t write about things of this nature, but this one had me hooked. Having a slow day, I decided I would check this Chapman guy out...well at least as much as the internet would allow. Talk about a treasure trove of stuff. This guy, in my opinion, is a certifiable leech, and a big shot wannabe. This thing today was nothing more than a scam.
After doing a little research, I was stunned to see this guy has more than a dozen web sites (blogs mostly) that seem to cater to his “crusade of the month” appetite. It seems that whatever happens to be his new interest at the moment, he sets up a web site and goes at it for a short spell. Personally, I think the guy is a scam artist. He appears to be fairly lazy and likes for others to keep him up, as he is the “American Ghandi”, ya know! Ain’t he special?
Let’s look at some of his web sites here, and you tell me if he ain’t a few fries short of a Happy Meal!
First, is Andrapodistes. This effort only lasted a few months at best. These sites are in alphabetical order, so the posting dates may vary from blog to blog. Next, there is Bible Apologetics, where he hangs out for a few months, and then takes up another cause. At his site Bible On Abortion, there are only 2 posts there, so I guess that was a passing thing! Moving right along, he had a couple of days posting at another site of his Christian Anti-Communist Party, and then he cranks up another site and takes a swipe at Christian Communism. Interesting is not the word for it.
Moving right along, there is the Cuban Freedom blog, and he goes at it there for four months or so. I tell you, this man never runs out of ideas and biblical views. It’s amazing. Now, at the Gene Chapman Tax Case, there are 4 posts there, and then back on the bunny trail we go. Now, we see such a change in spirit here. It’s summer, and it’s time for Gentle Love. The good Pastor stays here on topic for 7 months, off and on. I don’t see how the guy could keep up. But it only gets better.
Now, less than a few weeks ago, he starts another site called Preparing For AntiChrist. Excuse me, but I think we’re told to prepare for Jesus Christ, but I could be wrong! Oh, and back in 2003, from Sept-Nov, he’s trolling for a Dell Computer, at his Racial Healing site. This is one man on the move. He’s moved about from place to place, cause after cause, different story, same song and dance. But...there is more!
In November and December of 2003, he explored the biblical interpretation of Polygamy at yet another site called Sex and Family. Then, there is an additional cause within the end of the above site, that deals with another sexual item, and this site is called Sexual Enslavement, and there, he bounces around some more weird stuff. As Mr. Chapman still bounces around the blogosphere, we come to another effort by the man. This one is Slave Freedom Plane, where he’s good for 3 posts there. Is it just me, or would one think the man can’t remember passwords for his site or something, and he keeps having to do new ones? Who knows. But be ye happy. We’re almost done “site seeing”.
The cross to bear is once again the IRS. Chapman's site Tax Slave Prison is another site, which lasted for about 7 posts or so. Now, the one after the heart of the net is Truck Safety, which again is good for about 7 posts. Last but not least, we end with the current blog, Slave Freedom, which has been up and running since December 28, 2004. This is where I found such disturbing audio files of his plans to kill himself if the IRS would not meet his demands. It’s a pitiful situation, a man to be so out of touch with reality.
However, I still say the man is a moocher. He’ll do anything but work and try to twist scripture to uphold his cause. Well, this particular saga ended this morning in Greenville, S.C. before he could actually get onto the property of the IRS offices there. It was stated there were quite a few patrol cars and an ambulance, and under a judge’s order, was wheeled away to the hospital.
Will this be the last of Gene Chapman? I doubt it. I pray that he will recover somehow and seek the help he genuinely seems to need. If not, he will continue along and to seek and spew bad advice to and from others. In my opinion, the God that I believe in would not tell me to kill myself because the IRS wouldn’t see things my way. But that’s just me!
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