Give ‘em an inch...

I’ve been extremely busy this week with work and haven’t spent a lot of time online, but as I was kicked back here a little while earlier, I read a few things that were of serious nature, but made me laugh out loud. I’ve always had a strange sense of humor at times, but don’t take that as an apology.
One thing in particular I read about was Literally earth-shaking, quake shifted the pole.
I had read previously how the earth had been lightly tapped a little and knocked off her axis, but this thing gets down to half inches. The part that struck me extremely funny, was the part about Newark, N.J. Here’s the scoop: “
Armbruster, the Lamont-Doherty seismologist, said that, though he hasn't completed his analysis, he believes the quake moved the soil in the Newark and greater metropolitan area by a half- inch. The temblor on the other side of the world pushed the ground up that far, then back down the same distance. The movement was so swift, it was not noticed by residents of the region, he said.”
Let’s hope the half-inch was not towards Philly. And the ground being pushed up that far and so swiftly, you couldn’t tell... hell, people in Newark couldn’t give a hoot about the soil moving half-inch. DAY-UM. Do the math! I’ve a had a good meal or two from the eatery across the street here, and it was more powerful than the 1/2 thing. Technology is a wonderful thing, no?
I have a bet with a friend that in the near future, there will be lawsuits regarding this tsunami and Newark, and many disenfranchised people who are suffering tremendously, due to being relocated a half-inch away from where they were.. and yes, now the day has been shortened 3 millionths of a second, and the North Pole was moved an inch. Now that is grounds for a lawsuit. And of course there will be therapy and much medication. And did I mention lawsuits?
As bad as the tsunami was, some things are still the same: The libs are still libs, the pubs are still rubes, and everything in between has been a mockery. It matters not, because there are more people who are aware of today’s situation than not, but that doesn’t mean we will maintain the upperhand. Regardless, there will always be those that complain! So, that’s what happens when you...give ‘em an inch.
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