Sunday, September 25, 2005

Somebody Here Gets It

I discovered this poster in the elevator of the building, where my office is located. The poster was put in the elevator this past Wednesday. I noticed the writing on it on Saturday. As I said, I'm glad somebody gets it!

To view the full picture click here.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Once Upon a Time

I remember back when times were more sane, people were more responsible, and common sense was in play most of the time. Unlike today, when we have nothing but unwashed BS on a daily basis, as the nation has gone from Politically Correct to being Politically Castrated.(hat tip to the war chick on the phrase)

Too many people are expecting handouts, as they have dined at the public trough for way too long. No one wants to earn anything, as they feel everything is owed them. The sad thing is, the government is doing nothing to help wean these people. Instead, Big Gov keeps throwing money at these people, enabling them even more, even though the money is not there to give. Sure, I realize that 911 and the "War on Terror" are costing us big bucks. But who will step up to the plate and fight this "War on Error"...I'm waiting.

The results of Hurricane Katrina are not really about black or white, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, as some of each class has been hit equally as hard. This is about responsibility and doing instead of whining and complaining. There comes a time when people need to just stay quiet and get the job done, and when the job is completed, then you can complain at that time.

We should never, ever feel that we could depend on a government to take care of our needs, as that is not what the government is about. Many politicians, both parties, have used the dumbing down approach to America and her problems. I mean what better way to find a solution (supposedly) as to instigate a problem, or some ordeal for folks. Too many people think the government is like 911 and Santa Claus, all rolled into one. Help me - give me!

As much as I would like to see the people who have lost so much during this last disaster, I think instead of all the billions of dollars being tossed at them, there should be some "sweat equity" involved. The system is already so corrupt, no one can account for much of anything anymore. Look at the millions and billions of dollars that have already been "lost" in the wars we are fighting, as well as the corrupt politicians in Louisiana. And that's only the beginning.

While ranting on responsibility, how about you Muslim people? Have we heard anything about your willingness to help America, rather than try to destroy it? Have any Muslims volunteered to give some of that "sweat equity"...I'm listening.

Speaking of Muslims, how about the fact that these "freedom fighters" terrorists and their mighty jihads. I seriously do not understand how these idiots can find the time to kill people. I mean they've already proven to be a bunch of sniveling, sensitive, whining, brittle cult of people. Come on, you see Allah on an Ice Cream cup lid at Burger King, and you are offended. You want them to stop. You find a shop that sells bath shoes with a design that looks like, to you, Allah, and you whine and cry, and act like a spoiled child. Warriors my ass. We should go ahead and take you miserable people out totally. How can you be taken seriously? What America should do is rise up and slap you all around with a huge pig loin until you give up, shut up, and get the hell out America. We already have enough home grown whiners as it is.

Oh, did I offend you? Well excuse me. Take it up with Mr. Glock. Come on America. Get a backbone and stop bowing down to all these "oppressed" barbaric people. Smack them around and make them like it! The sooner the better.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Give Until It Hurts

Alright, we all know that Katrina is taking in lots of money, and that's very much appreciated. But, if you want to help some good people out in a pinch, or you can go here and do the same.

He's a good guy... a good family. I encourage you to go drop a few coins in his piggy bank. You'll be glad you did.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Are You Ready to Rumble?

What say ye? Here we are with a young lady fired from her job in North Carolina, at UNC, and then we have the young man who was arrested for having all this airline pilot's stuff. And the left is hysterical on both accounts.

First off, this young lady that was fired for writing about profiling Arab folks in her area and such, because the local Arabs seemed cool with it, for their own protection, yet she was fired. (Dan Rather, where are you?)

Check out the link regarding this issue.

Next up, there's another link that will walk you through this ordeal with this Arab dude who has a fetish for being an Airline Pilot.

My opinion, I have to agree with Gov. Romney. Arab profiling? You bet. Piss 'em off? Who cares. Keep America safe, regardless of who it pisses off.

What say ye?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Well...who can argue with this?

So, don't mess with me if I'm having a bad day. I'm an old fart, and I'm entitled to this! Ya dig?

Friday, September 02, 2005

The Big Easy? Yea, and Here’s Why

I’ve heard enough news this week to last a lifetime. I’ve seen enough grand standing and finger pointing to last even longer than that. I’ve heard the Governor and Mayor refrain from any responsibility. I’m not a brilliant man, by any means, but I found this to be so obvious, that it actually astounded me to arrive at this conclusion.

Allow me to say this, as I begin. My heart breaks for all the people in these places that have been turned into disaster zones. I ache for them and their circumstances. I feel the need to be up front about that, before I get to my rant. I figure I will be accused of many things that aren’t true, but that’s nothing new. I have thick skin, so I can handle that.

The Big Easy. Looking at those three words, what immediately comes to mind is “undue tolerance”. For centuries, places such as New Orleans has been home to the culture of anything goes. The last time I was there, I saw it up close and personal. It wasn’t a pretty sight. I’m not opposed to fun at all. But I am opposed to lawlessness. As a whole, America and her society has always been a society of benevolence, one that has an inclination to perform kind, charitable acts, and I applaud that. However, there has always been a small percentage of the dregs of society who have outlived their usefulness, and are nothing but a leech on mankind. Always has been, always will be.
When a minority of the population has the ability to set the tone of how things are going to be, thus, we have The Big Easy. And it’s not just in New Orleans. The country as a whole has become The Big Easy. We, as a nation, as a government have always thrown money and aid to all friends and foe, and always with a kind heart. Always turning the other cheek when others are having a tough time. Unaffordable, yes. But it’s never stopped us before. It’s a sad situation when we seen law enforcement officers leave their jobs, because of fear. Fear from a small minority. Our own government depends on our own government for protection. How sick is that?
I learned a long time ago that the only one who can take care of me is me. Sure, I have friends and family that will and have chipped in when I couldn’t manage, and I’m very thankful for that. However, I am not dependent upon them for my well being. In my opinion, people have become too accustomed to allowing “someone else” to make things better, and today we are seeing the results of that, failures and all. Yes, tolerance is killing disaster at a time. Political Correctness run amuck. While I agree with the precept that saving lives is more important than chasing looters, there still comes a time when you must make a decision. And a decision was made. Give up the rescue and half heartedly go after the law breakers. Then, give it all up, because things are so out of hand, even the Law Enforcement people are not effective.
So now, the City and State are calling on Federal troops for help. What has happened to the planning before the disaster struck? Why weren’t the sick and afflicted in all the hospitals moved to a safer place before disaster struck? Where was the plan? There was no plan except for the thought of the leaders hoping “it will pass us by this time...again.” With the role of being a leader, comes responsibility. To whom much is given, much is required. It’s more than a cliche. It’s an absolute, else it’s a failure waiting to happen.
It’s been a sad experience to watch all these hopeless people begging for someone to help them, to get them out of the mess they’re in. I’m tired of the elites talking down about how the federal government is not doing enough for the people in need, knowing that as soon as some are plucked out of this terrible situation, they will turn back around and curse the very ones who have come to their rescue. Yea, The Big Easy alright. Ask the Mayor. I heard his profanity laced tirade on the radio. Yes, he sounds like a real leader. Telling people to give him the power and he will fix all this. Duh. No thanks, he’s done enough already. People like him, the Governor, and all the other people who have done nothing but blamed everyone else for their plight, I do not want to depend on them for well being. Neither will I depend on George Bush for my well being.
For those of you who can’t see the forest for the trees, I say to you. When you’re tired and hungry, forget about trying to help yourself. Sit down on a curb side somewhere and scream out for the government to help you and see what happens. You’ll see what the Big Easy is all about.
I hope many valuable lessons are learned from this tragedy, less we go through it time and time again. As for me, I pray that common sense and real leadership will help lead New Orleans and all the fine people out of this mess. But still, I don’t think the term Big Easy is a real badge of honor at the moment.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

You Loot - We Shoot

Well, where there is no moral authority, there is no legal authority. Simple as that. These thugs, yes thugs, Revs. Jackson and Sharpton. Damned thugs. Friggin thugs. How's that? These thugs who loot and steal and prey upon someone's misfortune, should die of a quick dose of lead poisoning. Justice should be served three different ways...hard, fast, and continuously. Period.

You see, down here, we don't cotton to that PC crap. We stick together. There may be a local feud from time to time, but when someone intrudes, then you have to mess with the whole lot of us. It's time the good governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans, wake up and smell the gunpowder. There's a war about to happen there, and there is nobody in charge. At all.

Come on. We've seen videos of cops, male and female, going into Walmart and having a free shopping spree, and laughing about it. Guess what? They should be shot as well, just to make an example. Harsh, you might say. Nope. Not at all. It's a case of looters's cheaper to kill 'em... it only takes 6 to bury 'em... takes 12 to try 'em. Are you able to do the math there?

When no one is in charge, things always get outta hand. As comedian James Gregory explains in one of his shows: until the early 90's, handguns in schools were unheard of. Why? Because we've turned into a nation of pissers, whiners, and moaners, there are no real men left today. All of you my age or near it (55 here) can safely say, that when you were 12 years old, and if your dad caught you with a firearm, he would stick it where the sun never shines...and dare you to crap. Today, we call a family meeting. Yank-Yank. The first time a teacher fires back, that's the end of guns in classrooms. Parents would check their kid's rooms, even pat them down before they left for school, telling them... you'd better not have a damned gun. Cause that teacher's gonna kill your ass. Is that not true? I mean, look. The most fearsome thing the idiots fear today is second hand smoke. What does that tell you?

But I digress. What needs to happen is for these looters to experience a little old fashioned accountability. Yep, painful, I know...but it works. As my old grandpa used to say..."sometimes you have to lose some dignity in order to gain some respect." So true. If he were only alive today.

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