Monday, March 28, 2005

A Hunger for Power - A Thirst for the Limelight

I can’t think of anyone I’ve never met, whom I’ve come to believe is a little lower than scum. The more read, the more I detest this man. This leech is practicing law in the good ole USA. How so? He should be tenured in a Colorado university or something.

I’ve held back on this issue regarding Terry Schiavo simply because I had to wait and see. But today, well, the camel’s back was broken. First, a little info regarding an incident that took place in the mid-to-late 80’s. There was this little bar called Johnny’s Grill, also known as “The Poor Man’s Country Club”. Only men were welcome there. It was like a family reunion, of all males. But that’s the way it had to be.

Anyway, the bartender, and eventually the new owner, David, was a straight up guy. No enemies that I ever heard of. He treated everyone in a fair manner and didn’t tolerate any BS from anyone. There was this mutual acquaintance, Mike, who was more than a regular at this place. He was more like a permanent part of the place, and a good guy as well. And he wasn’t at a loss for good friends, either.

Well, Mike became seriously ill, and laid in the hospital for a while. He was on a respirator, and pulling the plug was only hours away. They had given him up for dead. But guess what? David, who had gone to see Mike every single day, showed up on this particular day, and at this particular hour, pulled up a chair and began talking to Mike like they were back at the bar. Wasn’t long, Mike was awake, coherent, and alive and well. You see, I’m a little hesitant about pulling the plug. I know, Terri was in a bad way for 15 years or more, which begs the question. Why didn’t her hubby divorce her and allow her folks to care for her?

The thing that makes the hair on my neck stand up is this attorney George Felos. What a wicked piece of work this guy seems to be. His lust for power, the bright lights, and death is kinda spooky. The way the man describes the people he has seen dying is enough to make you wonder how the hell can this guy practice law.

I am not against pulling the plug totally. I think each individual case should be judged accordingly. There are probably some, such as Mike, who can recover, and then there are those who will never get any better. It’s such a fine line. I feel that’s why God is God. These are big issues, and should be left to the real God and not to the courts.

In reading some passages from George Felos’ book, “Litigation As Spiritual Practice”, I do have some major problems with this dude. Here are some excerpts from the book.

Now, do you find anything a bit weird about that? Maybe it’s just me and how I was reared, but I sure don’t buy into his pulp! I firmly believe that these decisions should be made by next of kin, and not any judge, not any representative, not any senator, not any president, or anyone in the political realm. It should be a family decision...period.

Personally, I think that the court and the judge, has stepped way over the line when he decides when a person can have communion and when someone can have last rites. The lawyer and the judge seem to have this “I am god” complex. And it is sickening. I surely hope this isn’t the start of a judiciary out of control. It could easily happen.

However, I will say this as I close, to Mr. Felos and Mr. Greer. I wouldn’t wish ill will on anyone. But, since the two of you are so sure that death by starvation and dehydration is a beautiful thing, and euphoric, and peaceful and gentle...I pray that you two will be so blessed with the same end as those you have passed the sentence upon. May your days be beautiful, euphoric, peaceful, and gentle. Thus sayest the new lord... George Felos.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

How Did We Get Here?

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we? The year, 1965 seems like an honest beginning. I was a 15 year old who knew it all. Life was tough, but good. My family could go away for a couple of days, leave the windows open, the front door unlocked, and know that if a storm arrived, the neighbors would take care of things for us. Also, back in those days, you knew most of your whole neighborhood. People communicated back then. Things were much different. Those were the times when there was a real sense of community. A bond, that nothing could break. It was like one big family. And it’s sad those days are gone.

Today, there’s not even enough time for the kids, let alone, the community. We’re living in a no repsonsibility world today. It’s always “their” fault. No one has to take the blame when they screw up. Someone else always made them do it. It’s not odd that neighbors are not familiar with one another. There are far too many “latch key” kids running home after school, unsupervised or cared for. These kids have to wing it, so to speak. They have no adult supervision at all.

Back in ‘65, the worst thing that ever happened during a day of school was either “someone gets caught smoking in the boys room, someone gets caught chewing gum in class, or some clown is caught throwing spit balls”. That was it. No guns, no drugs, no gangs, and guess what? No DIVERSITY. Imagine that! We actually have been getting by with just our old home spun English language. No mess at the borders, no school shootings, no worry of weapons at high school games...none of that at all.

So where did things change? For starters, I recall at least through my senior year in high school, we would have a Chapel Service weekly, and have a local pastor come in and speak to the student body. But now, don’t even think about doing that. It’s a crime. Those were the days when a teacher or school principal would have the authority to reprimand a student for wrong doing. And the student would get the same once he and dad were home at the same time. Back then, there was a thing allowed, known as discipline. Today, there’s not much of that going around. It’s not very PC, as kids have rights.

I realize there are many more people here today than there were back in 65, but it’s not just because of the growth of the USA and more people being born. As the older generation passes away, and abortions on demand, then how did America become so highly populated. Why the answer to that is simple. The government here has let it be known there are no penalties to be handed down to those who want to come and suck on the teat of Ms. Liberty. It matters not that they are here only matters that we cause them no harm, lest they would hate us.

I never thought I would live long enough to see a country so equally divided. Good versus versus hate...right versus wrong...and yet, both sides claim the higher ground. Well, that just can’t be. You can barely distinguish between the two major
political parties anymore. There doesn’t seem to be a nickel’s worth of difference between them. What used to be known as conservative is no more. We don’t need this huge government that seems to be leading to a game of “May I”, when it’s all said and done. The government should be working for us...not against us.

So, how did we get here? Was it a random thing? Was it something that was bound to happen? What? Why? Well, here’s what I think. When we turned into a nation of “I-I Me-Me”, that was it. People have become lovers of self as was written early on, and we’re living to see it come to pass. We got here by turning a blind eye to we continued to blame it on someone or something else. However, that’s not the cure. What do you think?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

* Baseball, Congress, and Apple Pie

Much hoopla is being made regarding the inquiry on Capitol Hill. It's the hallowed halls of Congress vs Major League Baseball. A battle of half wits. A bunch of over paid idiots against a bunch of over paid thugs. It's almost embarrassing to watch.

It's funny how many people wants baseball to put an asterisk from 1985 onward, regarding the records broken during that time frame...especially home runs. Personally, I think the asterisk should go beside the name of Bud Selig. The commissioner who was self-appointed. What a joke.

Yep, I'm so at peace at the moment, knowing that our nation's elite are going to bat on my behalf, and fighting this fight for steroids. Are we blessed or what? Look, with the price of fuel on the rise and such, do we really need this thing with baseball. Come on, guys. Go away and do your filibuster...please! But do not touch things that have already been anointed by one on high... *Baseball, Congress...and Apple Pie!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

A Bloated Senate

I find it amazing, that with all the work needed to be done by the elected elite in Washington, they are finding time to stick their unqualified, overpaid, delusional noses in the steroid stories regarding baseball. It’s not as if there are no important matters for this gang of rogues to be tending to. After all, didn’t Senate Minority Leaded Harry Reid threaten to shut down the government regarding the filibuster issue? Please, Mr. Reid...shut it down. All of you go home...find a real job if you can.

The government has been out of control for such a long time, and there’s no sign of improvement. Since when does the Senate feel the need to educate the dummies about steroids? Why should this group of wise men and women be able to wax warm with all the little people, such as baseball players and others. Surely these athletes are aware that the elected officials know what’s best for everyone. If you don’t believe it...just ask the elected.

In our everyday lives, we witness the long arm of Uncle Sam, in most everything we do. Buckle up, else you will be ticketed. Nope, sorry, you can’t smoke here. Sorry, sir, but can’t bring a Bible in here. Uh, excuse me, mam, but did you just mention God’s name? That’s not allowed. Hey can’t wear that shirt in may offend someone. You’re an Arab...sorry, we didn’t mean to inspect your bag. But dig this...people aren’t allowed to “preach on the street”, yet, I have to put up with a 150 decibel bump, boom, bump from automobiles sitting at a red light next to me.

Let’s see how the government has really enriched our lives, just in the last little while. Well, they’ve taken anything and everything Christian out of schools, and most other public places, but it’s okay for Muslims to have their “call to prayer”. Christianity is a message of hate and Islam is a religion of peace. And Moby Dick was a frog.

The government allows people from all walks of life, from anywhere and everywhere on the map, to come to our country, allow them to complain and whine, and have our laws changed to suit them, and in return, we are bashed for not being inclusive. Good government does not mean big government. Diversity it seems, should bring a little unity, but no, not as long as the elites are in charge. It’s all our fault because of what we have and the way we live. Guess what, folks? I, just as most others do, work for a living, and the things I have, I own because of working to obtain those few as they may be. I’m not entitled to be kept up by this nosy, meddlesome Uncle. I ask nothing of this government, except to treat the people like you wish to be treated. You smug bunch of bastards and bastardettes are not our keepers. You elected twits in no way have any of our interests at heart. You’re all a bunch of lying con artists who are doing what you do because you are too lazy to work. Maybe the people will band together and see if we can get a bill passed that would allow illegals to come in and do the jobs the Congress critters don’t want to do. That would be poetic, no?

Let’s not leave out the Judges, who feel superior to God Himself. In one instance, this Judge Greer, who is trying to starve a woman to death. I would hope this Judge is never faced with someone having to rule on his very life. In another instance, Judge William C. McCulloch, of Texas, ordered that life support be withdrawn from a 5-month-old baby, against the wishes of the mother. Yes, I would say the government is much too big and bloated. So, it would seem the steroid problem doesn’t stop on the baseball diamond, but spreads through the halls of Congress, as we see how bloated this body has become. They arrive at first, all slim and trim, and after years of abusing their authority (power), they all look and act like the barrister of bloat. Ted Kennedy. Oh yes, we need this government so very much. In this instance, I would have to say that a poor government is not better than no government at all.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Delusional One is Out of Jail

I had planned on posting a new article that I finished last night, but upon arriving at the office and checking my email this morning, I decided to share this instead. TogaDude is alive and, not so sure about the well part. You can decide for yourself. Go here and here.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Our Friend, the Government…One Too Many Uncles!

Never let it be said that I approve of our present set of partisan hacks that sit in DC and do business in the name of “for the people”. Thanks but no thanks. I can’t afford these guys. You see, these people think they know what’s best for all of us, yet they can’t even agree amongst themselves. And how quickly they forget…they work for us…not lord over us. We have the seniority, not them. It’s time for them to go.

Color me stupid, but I have thought all these years that the elected officials of DC were held accountable by the people, so therefore, they are beholden to us…the people.

I’ve really never even thought about this until now. But, the government wants to tell us when we may or may not retire, just for starters. How about that? And this same bunch with the likes of Strom Thurmond hanging in there to a 100 years old, and can’t grab his ass with both hands, a flashlight, and a roadmap. Yea, that’s the ticket.

This is more or less of a case of “Physician… heal thyself.” (Dr. Dean, are you reading?) The bunch in DC today are nothing more than a bunch of power hungry older brats, that are spoiled to the core and so out of touch with what’s going on in this world on a daily basis.

I say to them…pump and pay for your own gas/diesel once a month. Go grocery shopping with your own money. Go to your local DMV and see the mess you have created, and then report back to me. Heh? Go to your local hospital’s Emergency Room and then try to translate your bill. You will immediately see all the good you’ve done while in office.

Once per month, go to a neighbor’s house and help with the lawn care and such… without a fee attached. Just be a good neighbor. Try it… without your hired help! Next, got to a pistol/rifle range and have at it. Enjoy the brotherhood, and don’t fear those who actually carry guns and know about them…and know about them very well. You never know what can happen in the course of 24 hours.

The government does not need to go poking it’s nose into anymore private stuff…period. Enough is enough. The government knows pretty much whenever we take our next drink of water…. Or fill in beverage of your choice. It’s too big… it’s too contrary…and it doesn’t work. Let’s toss the bums out. What do we have to lose. After all, the Dems are threatening to shut down Congress. That would be a huge favor to all of America. Send them all home… and then thank God we aren’t getting the government we’re paying for!

All in all, this is a great country. But until the elected power boys and girls realize that they are working for us rather than they are looking out for us, we would all be the wiser. Simply stated…they are not our friend at all. Always watch your back and hold your enemies close. I don’t care what party you are affiliated with, the same holds true for all!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Uh, It’s Called Responsibility!

When a 6 year old child accidently shoots a 4 year old child, that doesn’t mean we need more gun laws. It means, people need to assume more responsibility at home. And for that, we do not need legislation, thank you! There are plenty of laws already in place in regards to hand guns and rifles and etc. This is nothing more than an orchastrated knee-jerk reaction among those who would like nothing more than to have all guns confiscated. To those folks, I say...sorry, it’s not gonna be that easy.

If you will take the time to read some history regarding the constitution and the declaration, you may understand that the citizens of the USA have certain rights. We, the citizens, do not expect nor trust the federal government to take care of all of us on a 24/7/365 basis, so...we must do what we have to do. There may actually come a time when we will have to become very self sufficient, like it or not.

Responsibility is beginning to become a rare trait. It’s always someone else’s fault. Or something else is always to blame. That, of course is the easiet route to know...the path of least resistance! However, that route is the worse route to take, as it will give you a secure feeling when secure should not even be a part of your vocabulary. What? This man is nuts. Could be, but this is how I see it. Look, it’s a known fact that if you always shirk the blame on someone else as you go through life, odds are, you’re not gonna be very productive in society. So, that being the case, you need to make some decisions.

One thing I would like to say before I close. Any man or woman can achieve their dream in life. I have, I am, and I will continue to do so. No, it’s not all that easy, but it is rewarding just to know that I can stand on my own two feet, at least for a while. Thing is, every person out there can do the same thing. If you have a skill...get after it. It won’t come easy, but if you assume some responsibility, if definitely can happen!

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