Saturday, January 29, 2005

Here's Kerry.....................

Well, Kerry Fox at is back with a new show and as good as ever. Check him out. Also, the site he highlights this week is Ms FloridaCracker. A sweet lady with an excellent site. Visit her often.

In the near future Kerry Fox Live will have an interview with the Power Youth from the Shelby, N.C. (Cleveland County) Mental Health Association. These kids are awesome and would make any parent proud. We're trying to line things up as I type. It will be well worth the wait. Coming soon!

We have a little snow and some ice here tonight. Looks like things have locked the town pretty much down for the evening. Who cares. I have the fridge stocked and all the junk food and stuff I need, plus several meals, if the need arises. If not, it will not spoil. Lots of food ain't a bad thing! Grab a cold adult beverage and hang out with me here for a while!

Let's see what is new across the wire. Searching..........................................................

Well, they are not Trunk Monkeys, but... they're more human than we would care to give them creidt. Go here to check it out. I guess this proves that men are more primate than believed.

It's a cold, wet, winter weekend. Stay dry, stay warm... and stay inside.


Friday, January 28, 2005

When You Gotta Go...

Here's a man after my own heart. He should be in the Beer Drinkers Hall of Fame. On a scale of 10, I'd give hime the total ten for creativity.

Bill France, you and the NASCAR people should be very, very afraid. One thing about it, you can't outsource these jobs!

Well, we're expecting a mix of sleet, snow, and whatever else through Saturday night, so it appears I will have an opportunity to catch up on some work here. That will be nice, but I'd prefer lots of snow as opposed to a little bit of ice. Fear not, I am well stocked on the items that will get me through tough times. And no, no milk, bread or eggs purchased.

Check out everybody's old friend, Roy D. Mercer. Listen to his pranks and funnies. It's the weekend. Loosen up a little!


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Just a Little Update

Here's a little update regarding the Serial Blogger.

I don't know about you, but I think the guy is Full Tilt Bonkers!

While you are out and about, check out Kerry Fox and see what's happening.

Hope every one has a great week.


Friday, January 21, 2005

I've Been Extremely Busy...

Well, for starters, check out what my friend Kerry Fox has going on at his site. And yea, I'm a guilty party of it.

And then surf the favorite Blogs from KFL and enjoy yourselves. Hopefully, I'll be able to write something new in a day or so. Work has really been good this month, so I won't complain. Click on the "home" link to listen to the first show. Hope you like it.


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Sex, drugs, and lively jury...

Well, the old song "Down South Jukin" comes to mind here.
You can say lots of things about these folks, but they are indeed honest!

The Guardian has some interesting news regarding the War on Drugs. You coke snorters, beware. I don't even want to think about it.

While you're out and about today. go over and offer some encouragement to Kerry Fox, as he tries to kick the smoking habit! Lot's of luck, my friend.

Hope everyone has a great day. I have a busy one so this will probably be it for today.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

A few things worth checking out...

First of all, go check out what Kerry Fox has to say regarding the We Are Family day.

Then, take a cruise on down to FloridaCracker's site and check out the last from Donnah. Another excellent read.

It's the weekend, so check out your favorite watering holes for the best.

Get a life, dear lady...please

If you think you live a boring life, be ye very thankful. The author of this piece needs to find a hobby or something. It's a bit over the top in style and deed, but what do you expect from the people who gives us Mo Dowd?

If you need a name and password, here you are:
user: bugmenot89
pw: bugger

Friday, January 14, 2005

Give ‘em an inch...

I’ve been extremely busy this week with work and haven’t spent a lot of time online, but as I was kicked back here a little while earlier, I read a few things that were of serious nature, but made me laugh out loud. I’ve always had a strange sense of humor at times, but don’t take that as an apology.

One thing in particular I read about was Literally earth-shaking, quake shifted the pole.

I had read previously how the earth had been lightly tapped a little and knocked off her axis, but this thing gets down to half inches. The part that struck me extremely funny, was the part about Newark, N.J. Here’s the scoop: “
Armbruster, the Lamont-Doherty seismologist, said that, though he hasn't completed his analysis, he believes the quake moved the soil in the Newark and greater metropolitan area by a half- inch. The temblor on the other side of the world pushed the ground up that far, then back down the same distance. The movement was so swift, it was not noticed by residents of the region, he said.”

Let’s hope the half-inch was not towards Philly. And the ground being pushed up that far and so swiftly, you couldn’t tell... hell, people in Newark couldn’t give a hoot about the soil moving half-inch. DAY-UM. Do the math! I’ve a had a good meal or two from the eatery across the street here, and it was more powerful than the 1/2 thing. Technology is a wonderful thing, no?

I have a bet with a friend that in the near future, there will be lawsuits regarding this tsunami and Newark, and many disenfranchised people who are suffering tremendously, due to being relocated a half-inch away from where they were.. and yes, now the day has been shortened 3 millionths of a second, and the North Pole was moved an inch. Now that is grounds for a lawsuit. And of course there will be therapy and much medication. And did I mention lawsuits?

As bad as the tsunami was, some things are still the same: The libs are still libs, the pubs are still rubes, and everything in between has been a mockery. It matters not, because there are more people who are aware of today’s situation than not, but that doesn’t mean we will maintain the upperhand. Regardless, there will always be those that complain! So, that’s what happens when you...give ‘em an inch.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Gimme Some Hot Wings...Now!

If I had not been called to the place, I would never have believed this happening, but then again, there are some very dumb people in this city. I am always the last one to leave this building in which my office resides. And since I am the last one to leave, the owner gave me the fun job of making sure all the doors are locked tight and the elevator is shut down before a certain time of the evening. Last night was no different. I did as I always do, locked the place up, came back to my office and headed home a little before midnight.

As fate would have it, my phone rang at 8:45AM this morning and it was Steve, who owns the building. Someone (actually they think there were two of them) had gotten into the Main entrance on the street level, made their way into a Chinese eatery, and camped out for a nice, late-night/early AM meal. In the final analysis, the place was missing some cash, a couple of buckets of chicken wings, and a huge tub of cookie dough. But that was just the “take out”.

While the perps were inside, they fired up the Wok and munched out on about a half-bucket of hot wings, including an economy sized jar of hot sauce, and quite a few noodles. What’s even worse, the person/people who did this, used a piece of scrap paper to light a smoke by lighting it from the stove. And they left the butts on the floor, both inside and outside the place. I would think these "cooks” were possibly drunk, at best. Thankfully, they didn’t burn the place down.

I hate the fact that the restaurant was broken into and some money and food items were lost. However, the fact that the intruder(s) felt comfortable enough to belly up to the bar and cook some wings is almost hilarious. This is definitely one of those things that makes you want to scratch your head. I’m glad they didn’t bring lots of friends and have an all night party.

As the Police officer was doing her investigation, she got Ray’s (was doing some work here today) name, phone number...and date of birth, and then turned to me for the same info. Naturally, the two of us will be checked first, I suppose, since she did ask our DOB. However, nobody around here expects anything to be done about this. After all, there are just too many “street people” to check out and too many donuts to eat. On a bright note, the Chicken Wing burglar seemed to have a sensitive streak...the fish in the aquarium in the main dining room were spared.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Something About That Hat...

Here's another one of those "I thought I'd read it all" kinda things. So, check out this Wal*Mart Greeter, well make that recently fired Wal*Mart Greeter here.

Would you take a shopping cart from this guy? All I can say is DAY-UM!

Have a great weekend everybody! And BTW, I speak for the whole world on that.

Bows and Arrows

A story that captured my attention several days ago was the report regarding the tribe who shot at a chopper that was delivering aid to them. These people have always fascinated me, as to their keen sense of life, and their lack of ways and means other than their own resources. Today, floridacracker has some must read links regarding the people of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Check it out. Some long reads, but much worth the effort! Thanks to Donnah.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Doublecross III: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Yes, it’s the greatest invention since Snake Oil. Windoze! For the past 24 hours, not including the battle I’ve had with the Wal*Mart Music downloads and the Microsoft people, my system all of a sudden decided that it would not even try to get online. I was at the mercy of my operating system. I thought at first it was my cable modem, because I could stay online for about 12 minutes and then nothing would work, including email. So I called the neighborhood friendly tech support, who happens to still employ English speaking people, even though you have to press 2 for English... 1 is Spanish. Go figure.

After holding for one hour and 10 minutes, I finally had the opportunity to speak with Shawn, who read from his script that I was pretty much dumber than dirt and I had screwed up my system because I was dumber than dirt. However, I enlightened Shawn that I had probably been dealing with these things longer than he had been on the planet, but he would not back down. I’ve always heard the customer is always right, but these folks practice what is known as the customer is always a dummy.

In my business, I have a sign that states, “If I don’t fix it, then you don’t pay.” There is no charge to check a system. That’s cheating. I know of a few places here that will take your computer, let it sit for days and not touch it, and then when you come to check on it, you are charged $75 or more just because it’s been sitting there for a while. That’s not right at all. I figure one can pretty much decide the problem with a PC fairly quickly and then call the person back and explain the problem and what it will cost, and then let the customer decide. I don’t like surprises when it comes to spending money, and I feel most folks feel the same.

Anyway, after getting off the phone with Shawn, and thanking him for his “support”, I decided what the best solution would be. Since I had everything on the drive backed up on CD’s, I would wipe the drive and start fresh. And it was time consuming, but it was also a piece of cake, as everything is working as it should, considering the OS I’m running.

Now, after having changed hard drives on this system, and my other drive had the music I downloaded from Wal*Mart, I decided to test the media player. Guess what? Since I had already downloaded and received a license from MS for this song on “another computer”, which was the same system, same components, same OS, but a different hard drive, I couldn’t get another license nor play the song. So, for the heck of it, I went back to the Wal*Mart download site, paid 88 cents for the same song, and presto, it played.

So, I say to you, if you are thinking about purchasing music from the Wal*Mart music download gig, forget about it. There’s no way you can record them on a CD and then play them, as the license will not allow. If this ain’t a sham, there is no such thing. Imagine, the monopoly here with these two companies in bed together. I’d feel safe to say that Bill Gates probably owns lots of stock in Wal*Mart. If not, he should. Take my word for it ye careful about this music thing. It’s not what’s it’s cracked up to be! You too, will be Doublecrossed.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Doublecross II

"Hey Bill. I'm still steaming. You feel me? I'd like to clothesline your dorky ass into the middle of next week...and that's until I get warmed up a little." You have already hit me for $4.40 on this music deal, but the other $10.60 is worthless. Wonder if Wal*Mart will give me a credit and I can get $15 worth of hot cashews? Now that would be a deal. But it ain’t that simple, Billy Boy. I am full tilt, hard core, slap yo mamma, bitch slap yo ass, gonna get me some pissed off. Ya dig? As my main man Merle would say, “You’re Walkin On the Fightin Side of Me”, dude.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Billy Gates - What suckass software your people make”... there ya go. And I won’t even charge you for it!
You can laugh if you want, but I can guarantee you, I will not threaten to burn myself up nor harm myself when I protest on the steps of Microsoft. Eye-god! No way, bubba. I’m gonna make my mark. One thing for sure, Bill. and you can take it to the bank...I know something about sack cloth! And God’s gonna get you for this. He couldn't get a license either.. and he's mad! And you don’t even want to go there. Let me tell you this, Bill, if the good man upstairs can’t get a dose of the ABB, you’re in for a rude awakening. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, at all. When the Man wants to hear One Way Out, boy, you’d best have it qued up.

Bill, in all fairness, please reconsider your Windows package. You are choking systems worldwide and we can’t stand it anymore. Enough is enough. Give it a rest, would you please? Stay silent. Do away with those silly DRM’s or whatever it is you want to call them. Call them pocket change or something, but give me back my blues... or else I’ll........

That may have to be Part III.


I received a belated Christmas Gift today from some ladies who work in an office on the Upper Level above me. Knowing how much I enjoy music (writing and listening) they purchased a Music Downlard card from Wal*Mart. So of course, I took a little time to go to their web site and found about 5 tunes I thought I would try...3 were of the Allman Brothers Band, and two for a lawyer friend of mine. At less than a buck per tune, I figure why not. So, after jumping through a few hoops to be able to download, after all were completed, I decided to sit back and give a listen. That's where the problems began.

Let me explain, I am a computer tech by trade, so most of this stuff is fairly simple. The first song I decided to play popped up with a little greeting from, yep...Microsoft. They determined I didn't have a "license" to play the songs that I just purchased from Wal*Mart. Jumping through more hoops and even allowing MS to upgrade my media player, I still was not able to play the tune nor am I yet able to obtain this "license". Look Bill, if you or some of your overpaid nerds happen to read this or hear about this article...this is for you.

Give it up. You already have your hands in most anything and everything computer related, but that's not enough. Now you want me to register with you, so I can play music that I purchased from Wal*Mart, before I can play it on your bug-laden Windows software. Haven't you already done way too much for me? Get out of the music business. Is this a temper tantrum by Bill Gates, or a way for him to get revenge. Look, Bill, I heard you sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on TV when one of those ladies were interviewing you. You cannot sing. If your Operating Systems and Media players were instruments, they would come with mutes. You cannot carry a tune. Mr. Gates, I write music, and I do not have to purchase a license, but you want me to purchase one from Microsoft to play music that is now in my possession. Screw you, Bill. I think it's time for some Class Action. You ain't got any class, and I don't care for anymore of your action.

BTW, go take some singing lessons or something. Oh, I just happened to remember the name of the first tune I tried to's called "Doublecross".

Monday, January 03, 2005

Promise to Fast - Fast to Promise

With great speculation, I have watched for a couple of days the episode of a man named Gene Chapman and the IRS. He insists that it is against his religion, and against God’s law that he needed a Social Security number in order to be gainfully employed. So, after many months of threats to the IRS and anyone else who would feed him a microphone, camera, or telephone, he left audio messages on his web site of the events that would take place today, January 3, 2005 and why.

Normally, I don’t write about things of this nature, but this one had me hooked. Having a slow day, I decided I would check this Chapman guy out...well at least as much as the internet would allow. Talk about a treasure trove of stuff. This guy, in my opinion, is a certifiable leech, and a big shot wannabe. This thing today was nothing more than a scam.

After doing a little research, I was stunned to see this guy has more than a dozen web sites (blogs mostly) that seem to cater to his “crusade of the month” appetite. It seems that whatever happens to be his new interest at the moment, he sets up a web site and goes at it for a short spell. Personally, I think the guy is a scam artist. He appears to be fairly lazy and likes for others to keep him up, as he is the “American Ghandi”, ya know! Ain’t he special?

Let’s look at some of his web sites here, and you tell me if he ain’t a few fries short of a Happy Meal!

First, is Andrapodistes. This effort only lasted a few months at best. These sites are in alphabetical order, so the posting dates may vary from blog to blog. Next, there is Bible Apologetics, where he hangs out for a few months, and then takes up another cause. At his site Bible On Abortion, there are only 2 posts there, so I guess that was a passing thing! Moving right along, he had a couple of days posting at another site of his Christian Anti-Communist Party, and then he cranks up another site and takes a swipe at Christian Communism. Interesting is not the word for it.

Moving right along, there is the Cuban Freedom blog, and he goes at it there for four months or so. I tell you, this man never runs out of ideas and biblical views. It’s amazing. Now, at the Gene Chapman Tax Case, there are 4 posts there, and then back on the bunny trail we go. Now, we see such a change in spirit here. It’s summer, and it’s time for Gentle Love. The good Pastor stays here on topic for 7 months, off and on. I don’t see how the guy could keep up. But it only gets better.

Now, less than a few weeks ago, he starts another site called Preparing For AntiChrist. Excuse me, but I think we’re told to prepare for Jesus Christ, but I could be wrong! Oh, and back in 2003, from Sept-Nov, he’s trolling for a Dell Computer, at his Racial Healing site. This is one man on the move. He’s moved about from place to place, cause after cause, different story, same song and dance. But...there is more!

In November and December of 2003, he explored the biblical interpretation of Polygamy at yet another site called Sex and Family. Then, there is an additional cause within the end of the above site, that deals with another sexual item, and this site is called Sexual Enslavement, and there, he bounces around some more weird stuff. As Mr. Chapman still bounces around the blogosphere, we come to another effort by the man. This one is Slave Freedom Plane, where he’s good for 3 posts there. Is it just me, or would one think the man can’t remember passwords for his site or something, and he keeps having to do new ones? Who knows. But be ye happy. We’re almost done “site seeing”.

The cross to bear is once again the IRS. Chapman's site Tax Slave Prison is another site, which lasted for about 7 posts or so. Now, the one after the heart of the net is Truck Safety, which again is good for about 7 posts. Last but not least, we end with the current blog, Slave Freedom, which has been up and running since December 28, 2004. This is where I found such disturbing audio files of his plans to kill himself if the IRS would not meet his demands. It’s a pitiful situation, a man to be so out of touch with reality.

However, I still say the man is a moocher. He’ll do anything but work and try to twist scripture to uphold his cause. Well, this particular saga ended this morning in Greenville, S.C. before he could actually get onto the property of the IRS offices there. It was stated there were quite a few patrol cars and an ambulance, and under a judge’s order, was wheeled away to the hospital.

Will this be the last of Gene Chapman? I doubt it. I pray that he will recover somehow and seek the help he genuinely seems to need. If not, he will continue along and to seek and spew bad advice to and from others. In my opinion, the God that I believe in would not tell me to kill myself because the IRS wouldn’t see things my way. But that’s just me!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

OEJ’s Predictions for 2005

In no special order of importance or occurrence, here tis:

Osama Bin Laden will be found in a Motel 6 in Iran, without his wig and fake beard, and in bed with a midget from Pakistan.

After Bin Laden is found, the authorities will find his camels...all with Kerry/Edwards stickers on them.

Senator Robert Byrd will claim to have found religion and denounce Republicans and the other infidels...the religion being Islam.

Senator Ted Kennedy will be found to be a lobbyist for Chavis Regal...and he’s been drinking up all their profits.
Representative Jerrold Nadler will begin a TV career by starring in Queer Eye for the Fat Guy.

Jesse Jackson will be hospitalized and diagnosed with AG, Anal Glaucoma: meaning, when insisting that he disband the Rainbow Coalition, he replies, “I just can’t see my ass doing that.”

Tom Daschle will find work in TV also. He will become what Peewee Herman once was...whatever that is!

President Bush will take time out from his job to take speech lessons from Jimmy Carter...maybe one can teach the other how to pronounce nuclear.

Blue states are fighting amongst themselves as they try to agree on a more cheesier “bleu”.

Maxine Waters will again prove beyond a shadow of doubt that she is a genius.

Hillary Clinton will start putting together a new Listening but not Hearing tour.

Paris Hilton will become the news anchor of SeeBS, replacing Dan Rather. Like, wouldn’t that be like, really neat, baby?

Katie Couric will get a nose lift, once they can retrieve it from alleged source.

Snow skiing drunk will be a federal offense for politicians.

Attorney General John Ashcroft leaves his job, he will write a book entitled “How I Sent the Price of Duct Tape and Plastic Soaring, and didn’t think to buy stock in Home Depot and Lowes”.

President Bush will leave office early to do a tour of duty in the NASCAR Truck Series, provided he can use his own big truck.

Geraldo Rivera will wear a hockey mask on live TV, while holding a bottle of Tequila in one hand, and a .45 in the other, screaming to “bring it on”, talking to no one in particular.

Ric Flair will make one more tour in the squared circle, with Howard Dean as his valet and spokesman.

Al Gore will move even further south than Tennessee and become the Pastor of a Black church.

Nancy Pelosi will become the poster girl for Iodine bottles.

Fidel Castro will be told by his doctor to give up cigars...he does and will be dead three days later.

Bill Clinton begins to worry immediately after Castro dies.

John Edwards will claim that if the people had elected John Kerry as their President, Castro would be sitting up in his casket begging for a light.

PETA will sue Kraft Foods, stating that their Shake and Bake is unusually cruel to tasty animals.

Auld Lang Syne

Here’s hoping that a cup of kindness can be shared throughout this new year, as we say good bye to the past year. For some, it has been a most wonderful year, for others, it has been most horrible. We have witnessed the death of many people in the wars that are being fought. We saw hurricanes devastate many lives and much property in Florida especially, plus countless other places. And most recently, the tsunami in the Indian Ocean, and the horrendous loss of life. We witnessed an election that pretty much evenly divided the entire nation. Politically Correctness has been running amuck throughout the year, and so it goes.

My wish for 2005 would be peace on earth and good will towards least all that will allow it. However, we all know that will not happen. Some folks think the best we can do is break even, whatever that is. I’m concerned about the spending habits of this government. I’m equally concerned about our porous borders, that welcome one and all, friend or foe. Another concern is the educational system for those that have to partake in public schools and left leaning universities.

Sure, we have many things to be thankful for this past year, but we also have many things that we will be held accountable for, as individuals and as a nation. I would like to think that we as a people, are generous, loving, wise, and understanding...but it’s not true anymore. There are too many agenda driven people in our country today that have a warped sense of Americana in regards to right and wrong and black and white.

We should start today, all of us, to reflect back on the last year, check out where we’ve been and what has happened, and our reactions as well as actions to all we’ve been a part of, and then look ahead and see how we can make things better. We shouldn’t do it for selfish reason, but for the good of all. If we do that, in 2005, assuming we have time to change things, then I would say that’s a pretty good start on a new year.

What do you think?

May you all have a very happy and blessed New Year.

God Bless America.

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