Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Teddy Kennedy - True “Patriot”

It has been learned via a very reliable source, that Boston Patriots owner, Robert Kraft lost his Super Bowl Ring, to Russian President Vladimir Putin, as Putin did the sleight of hand and tucked the ring into his coat pocket. Cool!
It was said that Putin responded: “He gave it to me as a trophy, because he knows I am a true patriot. And I’m a big fan, too.”
Calls to both parties went unanswered at press time. We regret that deeply.

Oh well. At least we know Putin's loyalties!


Update: I have learned that Teddy Kennedy has volunteered to swim to Russia, for Mr. Kraft, and bring the ring back to him. Kennedy said it was the least he could do, knowing how he had been treated so kindly, previously.

Update 2: Teddy Kenedy has vowed to make it back in 30 days,as he has said that he doesn't have the hot air that he used to have. How about that for honesty?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Speech

I received from well placed sources that President Bush and Sneator John Kerry have been exchanging emails throughout the day, and it has become very heated. I won't take the time to list the contents of each email individually, but here are most of the exchanges, verbatim:

Kerry: Ok George. I dare you to use the speech I emailed you. So, are you gonna do it, bright boy?

Bush: Senator, have you been into those raisins again?

Kerry: You afraid, George? You scared my intellect will show you up?

Bush: Why do you keep it up, Senator? I already kicked your ass in JibJab.

Kerry: So you're not gonna give my speech tonight? You coward!

Bush: Go suck an egg, Senator.

Kerry: Ok. That's it. You'll regret this.

Bush: Go surfing or something. Clear your head, Senator.

Kerry: George, I hearby challenge you to a duel. The old fashioned kind of duels. You know, with real guns and all.

Bush: Haha. You own a hand gun, Senator. Hahahaha. Wait'll I tell Rummy about that.

Kerry: Are you afraid, George?

Bush: Bring it on.

Kerry: You bring it on first.

Bush: Bring it on.

Kerry: No, you first.

Bush: Come on, Senator, let's duel. I'm ready to put a little Texas two-step on you.

Kerry: Yea, right. You think I'm scared, don't you?

Bush: Bring it on, tough guy.

Kerry: You first.

Well, time is running out, so hopefully we'll here more about this later in the newsday. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Email

The Email

I would like to share with you some startling news. I received an email that was a copy of a scanned document, that had been previously scanned from another copy, that had been destroyed by the original author, that had been sent to a friend of his, that had heard about the original document, that was thought to have been previously destroyed, but not before it could be copied by a secretary on a regular typewriter...and it’s from someone who is supposed to be a friend of a friend of a cousin of a friend of Sen. Richard J. Durbin. However, I cannot verify any of this, but that really doesn’t matter, because I suspect the content of the email is true, even though it could be fake. Who knows? Anyway, I’m hoping the main stream media will pick up on this soon so we can get to the bottom of this, so that the outrage can begin and heads can roll.

Here is the email:


To: xxxxxxxx

Subject: The Email

It has been called to my attention that Senators Kennedy and Durbin were seen at a bar in DC, late night, and at first glance, it appeared they were in the company of several women, all of whom were unrelated to the two senators. After careful investigation, it was discovered that the women were actually transvestites, who were lobbying (oops, did I say lobbying?) Senator Kennedy regarding this new piece of legislation called Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act of 2005 (S. 1145). This is not the first time Senator Kennedy has pushed this piece of legislation and will probably not be the last.

According to my sources, the two Senators and their lobbyists companions ducked into a private room and partied until the wee hours of dawn. It was said that Kennedy could be heard singing loudly, and off key, “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles.” Well, the funny part is, one of these trannies had a huge tattoo on the left forearm that said “Bubbles”. Just before daybreak, the group of “friends” were seen exiting the club, and Senator Kennedy offered the trio of guests a ride, but they declined, asking Senator Durbin if he will hail a cab for them. I will let you know as more is revealed.


Sore Throat

Hypocrisy At it’s Finest

Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the make believe place of Palestine, has once again, shown his true colors. Does he strive for peace? Nope. Does he want to reel in the terrorists? Nope. Does he care about a road map to peace? Nope. Then what good is he?

Well, actually, he is good for terrorism in his “homeland”. Land that does not even remotely belong to his people. Why in the world Bush and company does not have a deck of cards with Abbas and his band of thugs modelling the cover is beyond me. I mean, a pig is a pig is a pig. Period!

We have seen from the outset, since the death, finally, of their beloved leader Arafat, that all things remain the same. Lots of nice words and lip service, but yet reverting to the same old stuff. I have wondered lately if Abbas and company have a contract with Strap on Tools? You know, the kind that makes those nice little suicide belts and vests and all.

I was reading about a young female that had explosives hidden in her panties, and was going to set it off in a hospital in Israel. How sweet it is. She even claimed that someone “hid them there”. Duh! Can you tell me with a straight face that someone could “hide” 20+ pounds of explosives in your underwear and you wouldn’t be the wiser? Give me a break. Talk about packing heat. That takes it to a whole new dimension. I can imagine, “Hey baby, are you that glad to see me, or is that explosives in your panties.”

Like the leaders in our country, these terrorists are pure and simple thugs. The only difference being is that Congress will not respect us in the morning. Both sides make promises they can’t and won’t keep, and keep telling lies on top of lies, hoping to sweet talk their way into some corridor somewhere so they can kill a bunch of innocent people. It’s time for the Bush administration to say to Abbas to put up or shut up. Plain and simple. Will they go away? No! They must be met with unrelenting force, now, and forever more. I say, turn the people loose and allow them to do what is necessary to remain a free people. If we can “take the fight to them”, then why shouldn’t Israel be afforded the same? Just something to think about!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Recess is For Kids - Work is for Adults

Hey Congress. Do America a huge favor. You people are due to recess July 4th, for what I'm sure is a much needed rest, as all you thugs have accomplished is butting heads with one another. During your trivial pursuit of the juvenile games somewhere between hang-man and blind man's bluff, you have lost touch with why you are there. You were voted in office by the people to work for the people. Guess what? It ain't happening. The whole lot of you are nothing more than spoiled rich brats who do nothing more than play childish games, while collecting a large salary for just being there. If you folks would be so kind, do not go back to Washington, please! You've done enough damage already.

With the wars our forces are fighting, plus the wars the Congress are fighting amongst themselves, it's a waste of time and money to have you clowns in office. Shut the government down...please. All you have to show for your time there is spending on foolish things, throwing the peoples money away, leaving the borders open, jobs still going down the tubes, homes being foreclosed at a rapid rate, plus your whining and bickering and posturing for some face time on TV. Thank you very much, but you've done enough already.

Each one of you make a very good argument to the American people for term limits. You all are a bunch of lying, cheating, spineless, unethical, whoring low lifes who couldn't make it away from the government teat. That's all you know...and you've made quite the lively hood of sucking. So give us a break, and suck your ass back to where you came from. Leave America alone. We cannot afford you any longer. You have in no way earned your keep, and frankly, it's very doubtful that you ever will.

Enjoy your recess time, but please, stay on the playground. We adults don’t need you. We deserve better.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Coming to a City Near You...Pt II

Well, you never know what's going on if you fail to look around. After all, life is hardheaded, so don't forget to wear a helmet! Anyway, I discovered a little gem and decided to pass it along. Aren't you so thankful for the PC crowd?


Looking For the Heart of Saturday Night

Someone please enlighten me. Does this Deep Throat character have a bastard child, known as the collective media...named "Sore Throat"... the way they have been rah-rahing this guy. DAY-UM!

One other thing, and I'm off to enjoy what's left of the weekend. Think about this. Regarding the Koran, Quoran, or however you want to spell it...and all the hoopla over the "disrespect" and such for this sacred's my solution. Take them away. Don't allow these thugs to have such "luxuries"...after all...and I'm only gonna say this once, so please get it the first time. These people at Gitmo are Prisoners...not Parishioners.

Have a nice weekend!


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Another Kind of War

It’s not enough that we’re battling terrorists in foreign lands. We must also battle them on the home front as well, especially in Massachusetts. Don’t take my word for it. Go here and see for yourself.

I began to correspond with these people in February 2001. As I had a daughter at the time who was only 13 years old, and was concerned about what she was being taught at her school in South Carolina. I received an audio cassette along with some documents explaining what this organization was about. After playing the tape and reading the documents, I was irate, to say the least.

After doing a lot of research, I discovered that anywhere from 2-4% of the population in the USA are openly gay and up to 12% total, that have not come out of the closet. Say the number is 12%. That leaves 88% as not gay. So riddle me this…why are we taking a beating regarding this issue? We clearly have the numbers on our side, yet, this small minority are winning more and more. There is something definitely wrong with this picture.

Why are our schools allowed to openly promote the gay lifestyle, yet Christianity is a no-no? Why are teachers allowed to openly promote the gay lifestyle, yet, Christians are marked as freaks? Doesn’t add up to me, in regards to the numbers that come into play. We are the majority folks. When are we going to act like it? This PC crap is killing this country. These people are openly going after out children at a rapid pace, and they are winning. And whose fault is it? Look in the mirror.

Many people are too encumbered by a career to care. Many people are too busy to care. Many people take the attitude of “it doesn’t bother me” so why should I care. All in all, it’s disgusting to see such an overwhelming majority succumb to such deviation. We’re too busy to care. We’re too busy trying to make our fortune. We’re too busy at everything, so we always assume “someone else” will take care of the problem.

Listen, this whole gay thing is wrong, to say the least. If it were cool, then why God’s urban renewal plan for Soddam and Gohmorra? It was and still is, an abomination unto God. Period. No legislation can re-write what God has authored. No man can come against the written Word and be successful. That’s the way it is and will always be.

Since we are in the majority, then why aren’t we in the driver’s seat? I’ll tell you why. It’s because we all await someone else to do the heavy lifting. I realize this is not a popular topic, but I really don’t care. You can change your opinion but you can’t change the facts. Wrong is wrong.

Hopefully, in the near future, America will awake from her slumber and reclaim what is right. In the meantime, the terrorists in these foreign countries are the least of my worries. I don’t have to answer to what they do. I’ll be held accountable for what I do...right or wrong. If we don’t change our ways very soon, you can bank on a day of reckoning. And it won’t be a pretty sight.

After all, anything derogatory said about anything called sin is now considered to be hate speech...even the Bible. So be it. It was stated thousands of years ago how things would be today, and it is coming to pass in our lifetime. All I can say is be vigilant. Keep the faith. Do not be faint of heart...we win!

To those of you who claim to be "born this way"... I say to you...Be born again! What do you have to lose?


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