Here We Go Again

Well it seems like only yesterday these oh so sensitive Muslims were so offended about "piglet" from Winnie the Pooh. Now, they're offended by piggy banks. Yes, piggy banks.
I think it's time to throw down the gauntlet here and every place else. If this continues, then the masses will have changed to become just like these oh so sensitive jihadists. You know what I think would be a hoot. Have the Arkansas Razbacks name their pig mascot, Mo-Ham-Mud, and turn the sucker loose at halftime at each game.
Personally, I'm oinking tired of these people always complaining about something. Thankfully, the above crap is happening in the UK and not here...just yet. I'm hoping there's enough patriots in the USA to keep that from happening here, in spite of the border problems and such.
I recently learned that our local schools are teaching 7th graders about Islam and there's a little bit of backlash going on that our local paper will not dare print. But the word is out through alternative outlets. You can bank on that, and the people are not happy at all.
So,, here's my take. It's a fact that Muslims do not eat pork, as Islamic culture deems the pig to be an impure animal. Well, jump back, Akbar. I enjoy pork. Greasy, fried pork. Makes a wonderful breakfast. Crispy bacon, you know, that comes from a pig. In my opinioin, the pig is cleaner than the Muslims who have taken innocent lives in America. Any culture of people that is offended by a piggy bank surely has weak knees and a yellow streak.
Jihadists? Ha! Afraid of a friggin piggy bank and a cartoon character. Screw you, Achmed. I think I'm gonna have a few beers and about a pound of greasy bacon in your honor.