Do you recall the tune that Lennon-McCartney penned back in those days? They were the dynamic duo, to say the least. Much was made regrading the lyrics of that particular tune, back in my days. It was almost mystical and mythical as well.
And the news said something about how many Iraqi people and how many Americans had been killed this day. It was kinda like "well alright". But...something changed...and the Iraqi people began to turn on these so-called "Freedom Fighters", as mentioned by the regular biased media. Actually, these thugs are terrorists.
Yes, I read the news today...oh boy...more violence in the Mid East... especially Baghdad. Well alright, says the media. Roll it. Screw the USA. That's the spirit. If it bleeds - it leads. That's a take!
Of course, the Main Stream Media have no accountability whatsoever, at least they think. Now, thanks to the many Blogs, the MSM has a snowball's chance in hell of making a mistake without consequences.
So, what do we do here? Do we hold hands and sing Kumbaya, ya know? So tell me. Where do we go from here? What? We need answers now.
Of course, the answer is to hold the Media's feet to the fire. And vice versa! Yes, there should be accountability on all sides. But, as of now, there is zilch to work with. How about them apples?
People, look at the growing deficit and the money and job problems we face, plus the ongoing illegal immigration problem, and what do we get? Another 4 years of insanity. something, somebody... anybody. Stop this madness.
As was said years ago... "thank God we ain't getting the government we're paying for". Ain't that the truth? You know, it's not even fair to be sober! Know what I mean?