Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Coming to a City Near You

I’m more than fed up with the media blitz and lies regarding the “disrespect" for the Quoran. First of all, I would like to know what makes these prisoners so special that they are allowed to have “their bibles”, but our kids in our schools are denied the right to have their bibles in schools. Prisoners, especially these peaceful Muslims, are allowed more respect and more rights than our own kids. Tell you what, big guv...bite me.
The reason this country is in such a sad shape and the world hates is not because of our freedoms and our wealth and all the other stuff the media claims. They hate us because here at home, the terrorists realize that nearly 50% of the people here are wimps. Nearly 50% of this country think we can sit down with these people and have a rational conversation, and if we cower low enough, then they will leave us alone. Yea, right.
As we allow the borders to remain open, it can bring nothing but trouble. As we continue to kiss Saudi ass, it can bring nothing but trouble. As we continue to give money to the terrorists in Palestine, it can bring nothing but trouble. And, until we the people, band together and remove the thugs via the ballot box, it will bring nothing but trouble.
I’ve been doing a bit of searching and discovered this site, and I think you will find it very helpful…and very much informative. When you get to the site, utilize it. Check it out. Type in your Zip Code and do a 20 or 30 mile search. Find out all you can. Pass the link on to friends. May we all discover what’s going on. We may be fighting these Muslims in Iraq at the moment, but you can bet the farm we’ll be fighting them on our home turf sooner than you would think. And we need to strike first, but the whole country is not up to the task. The media would crucify us…again..
That’s all I have to say on this for now. Work the link and pass it on.
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend. Last, but not least, thank you to all the brave service people who have answered the call. God Bless you all.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Down the Pipes

Well, after all the hoopla regarding the holy bible of the Muslim people being flushed down the john, and yet, still nothing confirmed. And I've seen several sources on the net, providing video that this just doesn't flush...at all. Doesn't pass the flush test...at all.
So, why all the uproar? First, we have an Administration irate that damage has been done to the relationship between the countries, and 15-17 people lost their lives because of the violence of the Muslims. So who's to blame? Newsweek or the Religion of Peace?
Sure, what the magazine did was stupid, but...these people who are living about 15 centuries behind the rest of the world, what do you expect? Doesn't take much to set them off. They're led by their supreme prophet, Allah. According to the alphabet, after Allah, comes Bubba. How poetic.
They say they desire to take over the world. I've got news for them. I've read the back of the book... we win!
It's ironic that the thugs such as Zarqawii end up running like a coward. He bails on his people when the going gets tough. He's a bad dude when he feels safe. But in pursuit, he's a coward. I realize they're considered "extremeists", but, where is the outrage in the Muslim community in America? Why the silence?
I will say this. It's a disgrace that there is no media play of anything good coming from anywhere across the globe. You know, we sure could use a little good news today. I'm sure it's out there. It's just too much of a burden to print it, right?
I don't expect anything to change, except maybe the regular media becoming history. They won't dare be fair, and they won't dare be accurate or truthful. We'll see subscriptions falter and less attention to these dinosaurs. And we'll be all the better for it.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Sweet Revenge
I happen to have been listening to some old music of many variations this evening, and one that stands out, lyric wise, is an old John Prine tune called “Sweet Revenge”. So, I would suppose that’s the direction this article will take. So, now is the time to stay or leave. Your call!
I’m so tired of this Democrat vs Republican thing in the Senate. When is the last time these people ever did anything for the good of the country? Okay, I’m waiting............ never?
This crap regarding the rift between the Dems and Pubs about this judgeship thing is way outta hand. Neither party cares about the country....it’s all about political power...Period!
What’s even scarier is the thought about these same people control our government. Hey, do us a favor. I’ve said it over and over. Shut the government down. What harm can it cause?
Look, all you have to do is answer a few questions. The same questions I have asked myself, and answered. So, here goes.
Does the government protect me? Well, if they do, why do I own a couple of weapons?
Does my government keep me fed? Well, if they do, why do I have to buy groceries on a weekly basis?
Does the governnment take care of my meds? Well, if they do, why am I spending over $800 per month on three perscriptions?
Does the government make sure my auto unsurance is paid? Nope, I have to handle that myself.
Now, finding all these “bad facts” against the USA, I say this. If you prefer the life of Islam, have at it. The biggest majority of the USA are tired of hunkering down to you people. If you’re offended here and don’t like it here....go home. And that is a very simple thing to accomplish. Let me type it again...Go Home! How’s that?
Look, when we get “offended” by some BS press, we just laugh it off. You bunch of barbarians have to kill people. The Religion of Peace my ass... and your dumb ass as well. You are not even worthy to be called a cult. You are idiots. Plain freaking idiots.
I’m so tired of other countries pounding on us, but yet, they receive tons of money in foreign aid. I say, cut out ALL foreign aid. Let them eat cake! Seriously.
Another thing that bothers me is that Islam wants to take over the world, including the USA, yet the government wants to do a song and dance with us and them. Why? Why not call a spade a spade? Afterall, Bush did say “you’re either for us or against us”, did he not? So, let’s do that across the board, huh George? The borders and all that. I'm just sayin...........
Well anyway, here’s how I see it.. take it or leave it.. won’t cost either of us a dime. If America does not unhinge itself from this PC mess, she/we will never move another inch forward. Don’t take my word for it. Look at history. There’s nothing more that most nations would wish for our country, and that would be Sweet Revenge, via someone bombing us back into the stoneage. Is it possible? Who knows. Is it likely? Could be.
What say ye?
I’m so tired of this Democrat vs Republican thing in the Senate. When is the last time these people ever did anything for the good of the country? Okay, I’m waiting............ never?
This crap regarding the rift between the Dems and Pubs about this judgeship thing is way outta hand. Neither party cares about the country....it’s all about political power...Period!
What’s even scarier is the thought about these same people control our government. Hey, do us a favor. I’ve said it over and over. Shut the government down. What harm can it cause?
Look, all you have to do is answer a few questions. The same questions I have asked myself, and answered. So, here goes.
Does the government protect me? Well, if they do, why do I own a couple of weapons?
Does my government keep me fed? Well, if they do, why do I have to buy groceries on a weekly basis?
Does the governnment take care of my meds? Well, if they do, why am I spending over $800 per month on three perscriptions?
Does the government make sure my auto unsurance is paid? Nope, I have to handle that myself.
Now, finding all these “bad facts” against the USA, I say this. If you prefer the life of Islam, have at it. The biggest majority of the USA are tired of hunkering down to you people. If you’re offended here and don’t like it here....go home. And that is a very simple thing to accomplish. Let me type it again...Go Home! How’s that?
Look, when we get “offended” by some BS press, we just laugh it off. You bunch of barbarians have to kill people. The Religion of Peace my ass... and your dumb ass as well. You are not even worthy to be called a cult. You are idiots. Plain freaking idiots.
I’m so tired of other countries pounding on us, but yet, they receive tons of money in foreign aid. I say, cut out ALL foreign aid. Let them eat cake! Seriously.
Another thing that bothers me is that Islam wants to take over the world, including the USA, yet the government wants to do a song and dance with us and them. Why? Why not call a spade a spade? Afterall, Bush did say “you’re either for us or against us”, did he not? So, let’s do that across the board, huh George? The borders and all that. I'm just sayin...........
Well anyway, here’s how I see it.. take it or leave it.. won’t cost either of us a dime. If America does not unhinge itself from this PC mess, she/we will never move another inch forward. Don’t take my word for it. Look at history. There’s nothing more that most nations would wish for our country, and that would be Sweet Revenge, via someone bombing us back into the stoneage. Is it possible? Who knows. Is it likely? Could be.
What say ye?
Friday, May 13, 2005
“Fill ‘er, buster”

Having listened to an audio clip of the grand poobah himself, and made available at Radio Blogger, has me convinced that Robert Byrd has no usefulness left, whatsoever.
In his pitiful attempt at waxing wisdom, Byrd comes across as the dumb country bumpkin that he truly is. Nothing more - nothing less. A man who will use a Bible story to appear bipartisan, who will state several times that he is a "born again Christian", and that he and his wife were both "dunked"...well, what good can be said of the old man? The sad part of the nearly 6 minute ramblings, several times, ole Sheets became tangled when trying to say "born again Christian". Mr. Byrd, I know Bible teachers...and you're no Bible teacher.
While the powder puffs of the Senate do nothing at all for our country, in times of war, rising gas prices, a not so pleasant economy, and wide open borders, these clowns are playing "top this" between themselves while not accomplishing a damned thing. Unfortunately, this is quite the norm.
Byrd reminds Frist that "the worm turns". Gee, how prophetic, Senator, you being the worm and all. So, ladies and genlemen of the Senate. Do your country a favor. Shut down...go home...get a real job.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Let’s Pull Their Feeding Tubes

Say what? Yes, let’s pull their feeding tube. Allow me to introduce to you, “their”. The fine folks who take up air and space in DC, and are known as members of the house and senate, and various other shady jobs and titles...that my friends, is “their”, of which I write.
Many of these shysters have been sucking up to the government teat for way too long. We’re not getting representation...we’re getting reprehension. We the people, should rise above these thugs and demand term limits. Two and out. All those who have served beyond that, as of the next election, well, update your resume!
The next big thing would be the lobbyists. As we have seen for many years, on both sides of the political spectrum, our most beloved elected are not working for the people, or the country. They’re working for that next election, and taking money from lobbyists, who in turn, begin to fatten them up for the next election before the present election is even held. These folks are party and special interests players. Look at the budget. Does this say they are taking care of our country? Look at the debt. Look at the borders. Look at unemployment. Just look around, period.
The thing that gets me is this. How many billions of dollars have we handed out in the last 4 years or so? I grow tired of hearing about “Faith Based Initiatives”, and how they should be the ones to feed the hungry, clothe the unclothed, and etc. Fine. But hey, wouldn’t that work in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, and every place else around the globe? How about letting these countries’ “faith based people” take care of their own mess, and we keep our money here, and not prop up all those religions of peace. Heh. Indeed.
My own state’s representatives have been discussing a bill that would allow illegals who have worked here for a certain number of years, attended school here, to be allowed to be the same tuition at our universities as the residents pay. Come on, this is thuggery. The same term limits should apply for states as well. And we would reap the same results.
These people who represent the USA remind me of child actors. You know, little kids who begin to play “grown up”. Remember those days. Unfortunately, that is what we are getting. Not too much of a return on our investment, if you ask me.
These leaders pretend they are all knowing and all important, but ask one of them the price of a tube of toothpaste and it’ll be “I’ll get back to you on that”.
People, it’s time we all got together and made a few demands. Of course they won’t listen. Who expects them to? We can all get together at the ballot box, come ‘06 and again in ‘08. Our motto should be “Results - Not Excuses”. Worked for my 7th grade teacher. Should work for the rest of them. Tell you what...dedicate 1 portion of a day...at least 3-4 hours, and listen to “both sides” politically. Whether it’s TV or radio, or streaming off the net. Just take the time to listen. Then, think about what I’ve written here, and make a decision.