Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Update...You Can Help

If you want to help some folks in and around the New Orleans area, you can go to Wizbang and give some support on a more personal level.

FloridaCracker has some timely links and thoughts on the events of the day regarding Katrina.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

More About Katrina.....

Here's a sobering site about New Orleans.

Listen to Kerry Fox Live discussing the devastation on the Gulf coast.

Go forth and

Also, just found this. Check out this video of damage in Gulfport, MS. It's about a 23 minute video, but well worth the watch.

Dodging a Bullet? I Don't Think So...

I've sat here glued to the computer since Saturday evening, watching Hurricane Katrina unfold. And unfold, she did.

I've watched videos, have seen pictures, and have endured countless hours of information overload since this storm began. I'm not sure what really peaked my interest in this particular hurricane, unless it was some death wish for others. I'm sure that wasn't it, because I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

After a day of reading everything available on line and sifting the net for more information, it was a helluva ride. Especially with all the video footage and pictures that surfaced late Monday night. Regardless of what category this hurricane was considered, there was a lot of damage done to many locations in several states, and the spin off of tornadoes farther east was even more astounding.

I sat and watched the New Orleans Police rescue quite a few people from their washed out homes, as they were stranded on roof tops, begging for help. Thankfully, help arrived. It would bring tears to your eyes. To see the reaction of the people rescued, was worth the price to watch.

This disaster does not need to be a political event. There's no room for it and there's no time for it. Now is the time for everyone to pull together and strive for a common goal... to rebuild the city. And I believe the good people of the state of Louisiana will do just that.

This is no time to talk about "dodging a bullet", because from what I've seen and heard, they didn't dodge anything. The only thing that happened is the fact that this hurricane didn't cause as much destruction as anticipated, but that was due to the path the storm finally took. Other than that, everything that was predicted would have come to pass.

Anyway, in my humble opinion, now is the time for the rest of us to stand behind and stand with the people who have suffered the losses than many of us will never understand. Don't worry about what anyone else says... just go with your gut. After all, we're Americans. And let's hope we do the right thing.

God bless these people who have suffered such a loss. My heart goes out to them all.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005




The Wilmington Journal

Originally posted 8/6/2005

“The basic purpose of using sworn testimony is to assure that the information being provided is truthful and as correct as is possible.”>--Special Agent Dick Searle, Iowa Division Of Criminal Investigation

“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

To read the rest of the story, have at it!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What a Wicked Web We..... well, you know!

Do you remember, as a kid, learning about the so-called writing spider? I’m sure there are many different versions of what happens when a kid sees one of these things. I was always told you had to cover your mouth, don’t let it count your teeth or you would die. Another one was if it wrote out your name....ta da. Last rites and all that.

Another thing that made me such a well-behaved child in the presence of my grandfather was, he would tell me if he took a screwdriver, and undid my belly button, my legs would fall off. I never had one whipping from him. All he had to do was, give me that look, and show me the screwdriver. I was better behaved than any trained pup!

Anyway, back to the writing spider. You can view some of the handiwork of the argiope spider. And if you’re interested in even more, there you are.

Now, that we’ve introduced you to or reacquainted you with this writing spider, listen to this. I have heard from extremely placed sources that our Congress is trying to put together a bill, a piece of legislation, that would place a terrible hardship on these valuable writing spiders. The Congress will be pushing through a law that would require all writing spiders to be required to go back and write a second version in their web, in Spanish. Our country is toast!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hip Damned Hop

I was sitting outside earlier having some creative moments when I was interrupted and brought back to reality by the sound of what I would call “Mexican Rap”. Funny thing is, less than a minute later, this automobile pulls up to the Mexican place across the street, and out jumps 3 females and 2 males. To myself, I thought...I sure like these odds!

I tell you the truth. After doing a little research regarding Mexican Rap, I discovered a goldmine. I’m seriously thinking about setting up a tip jar so I can afford myself one of these cool belt buckles. I’ll let you know what I decide to do.

I think this is kinda dumb. You have quite the contrast here. Check it out. This one is on me.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 19, 2005

A Dumb-Ass Judge…and that’s being nice

Here's to a very "this will make you angry" Friday!

Yes, and Morris Dees should be on trial just for being a crooked asshole!


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Get Along Home, Cindy, Cindy

The new drama queen for the media has really gotten old. I’m very sorry that Cindy Sheehan lost a son in this war. And I would be the first to say she is entitled to grieve in any way she sees fit and for as long as she sees fit. However, when the grieving turns to grand standing, it’s time for her to move on.

Her son, Casey, enlisted in the Army, and then re-enlisted after his first tour was up. He even volunteered for the mission that would take his life. I’m no defender of President Bush, but please, Ms Sheehan, George Bush did not murder your son. And the over the top rhetoric you spew about Israel and Palestine is equally tiresome. You whine and complain and snivel and make demands of President Bush. You bash the USA. You say America isn’t worth fighting for. So, if these are your true words, then may I suggest you take your whimpering ass to some country where you would feel more comfortable. Say Palestine, Iran, or Korea.

Please enlighten us dimwits who can’t and do not understand what makes you so special and so smart, above all the rest of the grieving parents who have lost sons and daughters in the war. You are being used and are too dumb to see it. You blame everything that has happened in your life on something, anything but yourself and your actions. Why aren’t you with your family? Why aren’t you being a mother to your children and a wife to your husband? I read today that your husband has filed for divorce. Bless your heart, look what George Bush has done now. Not only has he murdered your son, he’s killed your marriage as well.

If I were you, I would take a few days off and read aloud all the things you’ve said. Review all the TV appearances and the things you’ve said. Look at yourself and be extremely honest. Take a very serious inventory of yourself. Afterwards, tell the people how insane and lost you have become. I pity you, Cindy Sheehan, to have so much hatred bottled up and no guts to seek the truth...I’m not talking about it being all Bush’s fault. No mam...I’m talking about being responsible for your own insanity. The best thing I can say about you is that you are certainly no role model. Good luck to you.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Trambo’s Discourses

Yea, that’s what we’re gonna call this notion...Trambo’s Discourses.

And here we go...

I arrived on this planet back in 1950. And from what I recall during my childhood, things were pretty good. We were dirt poor, but I didn’t know it. Everyone I knew back when I was a child were dirt poor as well. But we were ignorant of the fact. We had fun in spite of it.

In the good old days, you didn’t need a certain social status to claim your space. Yes, there have always been cliques, but still, 50 years ago, things were much easier for regular folks. And of course, back in those days, techology was not applicable as it is today.

Think about it, if you’re a boomer. If you were born in 1950-1955, then you would know how things were when you were growing up. Especially, if you grew up in the South, it was an added education. People would leave home to go on their vacations, leave their homes open, windows open and all, and the neighbors could be trusted to take care of things “if it happened to come up a cloud.”

Schools regularly had “Chapel” services every Wednesday morning. A local Pastor would come to the school and speak to the Student Body, and the entire school was always respectful. Back in those days, the only bad things to happen on the school grounds would be: someone fired a spitball in class, some underclassman was smoking outside, or someone skipped school without permission...that was it. No guns, no violence. No need for cops to be in schools. No drugs to be tested for. Yep, this was pretty much Mayberry, USA during those times.

Also, back in the good old days, you could discipline children. In layman terms, you could tear their dogcarts up! Understand?
Back then, there wasn’t a need for a SWAT team or such, No need for Neighborhood Watch clubs either. Kids didn’t take guns to school, and students didn’t give the teachers any lip, else they got their butts kicked at home. Very simple rules back then. You respected your neighbor and your parents and you pretty much always did what was right. When you screwed up , you knew it immediately. There was always this little voice hovering over me saying “that was should not have made that choice.”....and I can’t argue with the facts, because that’s how it was.

But, today we see no respect from the young people who are in school. They have rights, you know. The left has seen to it. Who would dare discipline a student today, due to the weak-knee reaction of the PC crowd? There’s no such thing today as personal responsibility. None at all. Don’t take my word for it. Go into your own town and take some time to walk the streets. The education will not take long at all.

Where does the fault lie? Well, I would say it’s at least two-fold. It’s the fault of the Federal Government, and it’s the fault of the people who depend on that welfare check. The Federal Government has made it too easy for the welfare crowd to remanin on the government teat, and there’s no exit strategy to get them off the teat. It matters not who is running the administration. You cannot live a productive life if you always have your hand out for a gimme.

Another problem is the borders. We allow more diseases, more thugs, more drugs, and more trash to come into this country with no questions asked. But of course, they’re here to do the jobs Americans won’t do. Yeah, right. They live 20 or so in a single dwelling and send tons of money back home. Well alright. Way to go America.

Lastly, for all the people who question the integrity of this great country of ours. I do not place my faith in the men and women who run the country. That would be a letdown of monumental proportions. I know what I know and that’s the way it is, the same as everyone else out there. But for now, I’ll say that this is the best country in the world. Else, why do so many people want to come here? Illegal or not. In spite of our leadership.

Oh well, the chips will fall where they may, and some of us will have to dig a little deeper.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Breaking News.....................

Finally, SWAT Team Nabs Fugitive Couple

Well alright!

Sometimes, you just can't win...

Vendors stuck with $100,000 tab after soiree
Fewer than 100 came to event held during NAACP convention. Are these folks sponsored by Air America?

I swear to you, I am not making this up. This is a direct quote from Jessica Simpson, Dukes of Hazard star. The girl shoulda been home schooled...maybe.

Humpty Dumpty takes a bad fall.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction Part II

Gee, these poor mistreated, misguided terrorists have it so bad down in Guantanamo Bay. They're falling in love with the Harry Potter books and one has even requested the movie. Oh, they live such a tortured life. Only thing is, Allah is even more fictional than Potter, but you can't tell them that.

I'd like to welcome SlingerNation to the world of blogging. He's a good ole southern boy who has some things to say, and doesn't hold back. Welcome, my friend.

If you haven't had your dose of real news, then you should check out Kerry Fox. He does the news like he owns it!

Later, friends. Gotta go enjoy the thunderstorm.


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