Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all, and may it be very prosperous.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Don’t Call Me Kemosabe

You remember when the media made such a fuss when Dan Quayle got sideways about Murphy Brown? It was just a TV show, right? Right! Now, the craziest thing I think I’ve heard yet, is some idiot is in a tizzy over the word “kemosabe” being used in the work place. They’re’s racist. Racist? Wasn’t the Lone Ranger just a TV show? Don’t take my word for it, go here.

I tell you, I’ve had it with this PC crap. No carols, no manger scenes, no Merry Christmas, no Santa... and now, no Lone Ranger. What the hell? I have to ask, if this were so racist, why did not the masked man bust Tonto in the chops a few times? Well, on the bright side, at least he didn’t call the Masked Man peckerhead. Huh? It’s pretty much gotten to the point that if Jesus were born in America today, under our present conditions, Mary would go into labor way before we could produce 3 wise men. Check this out, a 7th grade boy was told to leave the school’s Holiday Party because he was dressed like Santa, and the principal played the part of Scrooge How do you say Scrooge in “insurgency”?

A young lady gets tossed at her dance because she’s wearing a dress that is not PC. Yea, tis the season for sure. After reading this, I would say the Gong Show was also much safer! What a PC screwed up world. As I’ve said countless times, if it’s 51%-48%, why are things in our country going the opposite? Doesn’t wash with me!

How about those old oriental movies when the words uttered would be “ah, gwasshoppa” that racist? Is gwasshoppa a bad word? Is that not PC? If one would listen to the leftist spewing crowd, you would think St. Nick and Jesus Christ are terrorists or worse. The Bible is out...the Quoran is in. Prayer is out...jihads are in...Christianity is bad...Islam is the religion of peace. Where is this country headed? This is supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, and good will, but it seems to terribly one-sided as well as opposed by a minority.
Regardless of whether it’s in or out, I wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. And if that is offensive, well, take a number and get in line...and have a Merry Christmas anyway.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Sucking Air

I read with great interest this article regarding the human parathyroid gland evolved from gills. (think fish) My first thought was, man, that sure sucks air!

I've always been fascinated with those people who tend to think that man can from monkey. Trust me, I've met a few people who would make a helluva a case for this concept, and without effort on their behalf. (My apologies to monkeys everywhere) If evolution is true, then why all of a sudden it's been at a standstill for several hundred years or more? Answer me that, would you please? Makes about as much sense as if a library exploded, and out of the ashes and smoke, a huge book came back down to earth. Yea, evolution. Right!

Since evolution and creationism are direct opposites, then there would have to be some other “force or power” that would keep evolution propelled, so to speak. So, where is the propeller? Hmmm. Can I get a witness? Hello! In my opinion regarding evolution, it would take more faith to believe that, than it would to believe in creationism. Think about it. On the topic of creationism, there is an excellent piece here.

As I see it today, man still looks like man of centuries ago, as do women, kids, dogs, cats, grasshoppers, fish, pigs, cattle, and etc. So, when do all these creatures move to the next level? I’m very curious about that, as I would hate to miss anything. Is it true that since monkeys and such like bananas, then, any human who likes bananas is part monkey? How about... since cows have horns, as do automobiles, then cows are cars? I know, different kinds of horns, but get the picture, don’t you? Reminds me of the man who sold his car to buy a cow. People cursed him, called him crazy.. they said a car was more valuable that the cow. He just smiled at them and said, “I can ride this cow, but I can’t milk a car”. So, does evolution mean that the auotmobile evolved from a mule? What else can I say? Except, this evolution thing sucks air!

Mary Did You Know?

A beautiful song written by Mark Lowry (lyrics) and Buddy Greene (music) is probably the most telling Christmas song I ever had the pleasure to hear. It’s really a heavy song, if you read the lyrics and hear the tune. A woman, being the Mother, and giving birth to the Son of God. That’s an awesome task, to say the least.

However, if Jesus were born in today’s times, it would be quite different. There would be no inn for Jesus to be born. The ACLU and PETA would raise a ruckus and claim it was a hate crime or such. The song lyrics would have to be completely rewritten today. Such as, “Mary did you know - You couldn’t even find a stable to give birth?” Did you know that Jesus would not come first - To the people here? Did you know that your Son would be more spit upon and cursed today, than the day He was crucified? Did you know that the words of your Son and His Father would be considered hate speech today? Did you know that a nativity scene downtown would create offensiveness? Oh the horror.

Pardon my smugness, but I’ve had it up to here with the PC whiners. So you’re offended. Gee, how terrible can that be? There is no written decree that guarantees you to go through life without being offended... and the same holds true for me. Are you people who claim to be offended, so brittle, that you can’t handle the truth? Can’t even handle a Christmas carol? You may feel that you’re big in court, but in all reality, you’re wimps...gee, that song offends me. Get a grip. Your whining offends me, so we’re even.

So many people break so many laws in order to get into this dreaded country that they curse so much, yet, you can’t run their butts off, less they be offended. They want the best of both worlds, and I’m here to tell you... it ain’t gonna happen. It’s so poetic that these folks who will risk limb and life to get to America are the very ones who complain about all things American. Well, duh. What did you people expect? Your desire for our schools and our technology, and our way of life brought you here, and after you gain a little, all of a sudden you wanna knock this country. In the gin soaked white raisin induced words of Mama T, shove it!

It’s pathetic how we allow people to celebrate Kwannza and such, but yet a nativity scene becomes insensitive. What a weak religion you folks must have, to feel offended or threatened by the true Christ. Is that the real problem? You realize that the god you serve is inferior or made up? Last I read, regarding these false gods, Elijah was up on a mountain, making believers out of his enemies, as their god was asleep on the john or such. It was agreed that the god who could “light up” the altar was the true god. Guess who won that one?

Also, Mary did you know that 49% or so of the USA would refer to those “red states” as Jesusland”, and it was not meant as a compliment? Today, people can not go outside of the boundaries of the churches and proclaim the gospel. That’s hate speech, today. It’s pathetically funny that black churches may invite Democrat candidates to their churches and have a political hoe down, but if the opposite party, whether it be Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or Constitution party does the same, we hear the cry of “separation of church and state”, where there is nothing in the constitution that says such. Free speech, huh? Yea, if it only accomodates you.

Anyway, as the Christmas season closes in, as you go about your daily routine, remember one thing. Ask yourself, when America was birthed, did it foresee and demand that we bow down to those who want to come here, in order that they may feel less offended? I think not. But that’s just me.

Merry Christmas to all... and Joy to the World!

Friday, December 17, 2004

A Little Chrismas Fun

We'll make do without the regular pic tonight and get to the fun stuff. We're a week away from Christmas Eve, and things should be a little lighter hearted that what I've seen. So, to you and yours, enjoy the little gifts left here for you tonight, Crank up the sound!

Listen to one of the most beautiful Christmas songs ever, done in a very unique style.

Next up, a little humor, not trashy, but not for the ears of the young either, but nevertheless, quite funny.

Also, for your enjoyment, check out Kerry, and Kevin, and also check out Florida Cracker.

Okay, enough for now. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

What a Difference A Decade(nce) Makes

Is this diversity a blessing or what? I know, we’re beating a tired and nearly dead horse again, but since I’m in the Christmas, that’s right Christmas spirit, I figured why not! After listening to a little talk radio while riding in my vehicle hearing about various things and seeing various news items on the net (I don’t watch TV) it’s hard to contain myself.

The first thing that comes to mind is all of these people who are offended keep whining about this and that. I was always under the impression that the majority rules. Yet, we get a couple of ingrates from some other country, coming to the USA because of our freedom, all of a sudden, they’re offended by something and want us to change it for them. Read my lips, ingrates...Screw You!

They are offended by Merry Christmas. They’re offended by In God We Trust. They’re offended by anything Christian. As Lewis Grizzard said, “If you don’t like it here, Delta’s ready when you are.”

Nativity scenes are out, Christmas carols are a no-no. Prayer is forbidden, the Bible has been rendered hate speech, but islam is a religion of peace. Hey, it doesn’t bother me that these folks lie to me. What chaps my keister is they think I’m stupid enough to believe them. This country has done very well in all her years. We never had a problem like we see today until a bad case of diversity broke out. And the people are too lazy to do anything about it. I know it sounds like a cliche, but it’s the truth. We deserve everything we’re getting today. We’ve become too complacent...too easy...too aware as to not rock the boat. Heaven forbid we offend someone...who pays it all to get here to our country and then whines about how we don’t do things their way. I suppose it’s way to much to ask these moochers to assimilate. Oh no. They want to have it both ways. And they are getting far.

In our schools today, kids are being taught about the Islam religion, yet, they are not permitted to discuss Christianity. Our children are also being taught about the “Alternative Lifestyle”, but yet, they can’t speak of being pro life. President Bush wants our kids to become more aware of the Islamic culture and vice versa. Dang, you would think after a few acts of terrorism, those kids have learned all they need to know about this religion of peace. What a crock. Why not call it what it really is? A Cult of Killers. Period.

It doesn’t surprise me that the country is so divided. What does surprise me is in which to extremes we are divided and the things that divide us. It’s not about red and blue. It’s about right and wrong...good and bad. Call it what you want, but you still have to call it the truth. We’re damned near a “War Between the States” again. If this presists, we don’t have to worry about Russia or China, or Korea, or anyone else. We are destined to do ourselves in, and it won’t be long at the rate we’re moving ahead.

No, this is not doom and gloom. This is looking at reality. And as Tom Waits once said, “Reality is for those who can’t handle drugs.” In many ways, he’s more than right, but it would be hard to tell these days, with all the post election stress and treatments. My God, some people need to wake up and smell some real coffee. All that latte has gotten to you. Too many people are sitting around complaining about how they’re offended and can’t see the real problem...self. Look, we didn’t ask that you come here to live. And if you left tomorrow and it were possible, I would be delighted to help you pack your bags, or anything else that would speed you along. Hey, you’re in OUR country. If you don’t like how we do things around here, then go home. If you’re a legal citizen, then you took an oath to become that citizen. So now is the time to abide by that.

No one ever said life would be fair. No one promised you a world of happiness. If so, you were lied to! Before I close, I want to repost the link at the beginning of the article. If you’re not convinced that life is not supposed to be a bed of roses, click here and enjoy.

Until we meet again, have a very Merry Christmas...and be safe!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Oh That Smell...

Seems a little poetic that the man chosen by President Bush to lead the Homeland Security Department withdrew himself, after admitting he had a nanny working at his home, and she just happened to be one of those illegals. Another thing, her money to the IRS had not been taken care of, as well. What I don’t understand is why are the Bush people so up in arms over this? The President himself has let it be known that he has no problem with illegals. And if he has his way, they will be welcome to work here, bring diseases here, bring criminals here. So, why the dust up about something this administration fully supports? Something smells a little funky about that.

If an investigation were done on all elected officials in DC, the number of our elected thugs who actually has employed or does employ an illegal, would probably be incosistent with their policies that they have publicly decried. To say the least, this bunch in the present administration bring a whole new meaning to shameless.

It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. I talk to many “conservative” people on a daily basis, and lots of them feel as I do about what’s going on within this administration, and already it seems to get even worse before the next 4 years actually begin. And, on the other hand, I talk to those who feel that the President will really show his true conservatism next term. Yea, right. We’ll get em next time! Sorry, that certainly doesn’t pass the smell test.

Whom ever is chosen and allowed to be the Homeland Security Secretary, I sure hope they have more common sense than the rest of the people who are working above and below him...or her. God help him if he/she doesn’t! In my opinion, unless we the people witness a modern day miracle within the boundaries of the USA, the next 4 years plus are not going to be pretty. The left keep going lefter and the right keeps going lefter. Where does it all stop? Crazy thing is, it’s up to us...we the people, yet here we are, once again, taking it on the chin and falling in lock step with the powers that be. How pathetic is that?

Well, I’ll close for now, and try to get into the spirit of this Christmas Season. And to all you PC do-gooders...Y’all can kiss my Merry Southern Ass!

And to the rest of you...Goodnight...and Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 03, 2004

A Culture of Wimps

I know I’m just asking for trouble before I even write this, but so be it. I have a bad habit of calling things like I see them, and this time is no different.

We may be kicking ass internationally, but we’re getting our ass kicked domestically. The PC police have been running rampant over us from every angle, and we just sit there and go “ga-ga” at the whole thing. Why am I not impressed?

When will we learn? When will we decide enough is enough? Or will we ever? At times, I really wonder, because the sheep have been led so astray. And it has been so easy to do so. With no proven leader in the USA, why shouldn’t the people be neutered? After all, we haven’t had an attack since 911, right? Of course, that’s the ticket.

Here’s how I see it. First of all, the League of the Politically Correct will be the undoing of our country. Tha t’s a fact, and you can laugh all you want, but mark my words. It’s already happened. You just haven’t felt it yet! There is a Mayor in Colorado who has decided to take out Merry Christmas for starters. How do these people get away with this stuff, when surverys say this nation is 78% Christian? What’s happening here?

And don’t come whining to me about the Separation of Church and State. It’s nowhere in the Constitution. So, go suck another egg. Thank you!

We have seen Christ taken out of Christmas now for many years, and the people do nothing. Giving up a little here, a little there, and then a little more out yonder...before you know it, great strides have been made to render you ineffective! In the words of Bob Dylan, allow me to ask: “How does it feel”? Huh? Tell me the truth!

America, as we used to know it is a thing of the past, unless good people wake up and smelll the coffee. It’s pathetic that the even 48-49% of the voting public even dictates any agenda. Where I come from, 48-49% is still a minority. What say ye?

We have wide open borders, no control of the illegals, and a don’t ask don’t tell situation there as well. It’s not restricted to the milatary, and it’s served in a whole different way as well. Of course, it’s alright as long as it doesn’t “infringe upon me”. Of course!

You can have your snoot and look down it too. No problem. Just get on board the Magic Ship Copernicus here and have at it. You can have your every wish... every desire...and every whim... all you gotta do is get onboard. Simple as that!

Well, the train’s pulling in the first station and I need to go... Will write more tomorrow while I’m able.


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